The unhijackable thread...

Buellxb Forum

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28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds....


a rabbit told me...
I need to go to sleep and stop posting but here is one to think about.

People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over.

I can't find any pot on the big island! Wtf!!! Don't tell me I gotta drive all the way over to Hilo cause the rustang is almost out of gas. Somebody help!!!

Should have just ******* gone to maui. ****** hippies...
I had a dream last night that i was at a rave and had pink and blond hair about sholder length.................weird [confused]. ive never been to a rave or had blond hair.
When I was a security dispatcher in the mid 70's I learned nun chucks. I found that hitting myself with those sticks was great way to stay awake.
there was nothing like seeing the sigh today on a doomed marriage in the making.

1. truck holding sign.
A. covered in mud
B. covered in mud with misspelled wedding,& jacked up
C. Both with opposite side misspelled even different than the first.

2. reception read "gettin maried! aftur partie at the river"

3. I hope they don't bread!!!!

yes! bread may be the correct choice of a word for this couple.

I had to laugh. It made me feel smart...
Im a parent, My son is going to be 10 this December and I remeber when he was just a baby when there were some funny times I wish I had my camera with me but come on.....

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