the Username ICH...What if?

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
We all have seen him pop up on the forum...9 times out of 10 he posts on tuning related questions...his replies are often vulgar and quite a way he...or maybe a she...has become the member we love to hate! the member we cant help but to read his awful posts. My question is...Who is this ICH? I've always been curious...He seems to have allegiance to ECMSPY and ridicules TunerPro users...what if he is someone's evil alter ego...what if He is the Mr. Hyde to Gunter's Dr. Jekyll...LOL What if he is the Gollum to Gunter's Smeagol...always referring to ECMSPY as his "precious"...This post is ridiculous, I know...but I have always been curious...
ICH is the man!

On a serious note.... To this point I have found his short and to the point responses to be pretty accurate or at least a step in the right direction. He will soon be a legend. [cool]
His last post was about "liking children" his legend will be documented on How To Catch a Predator

This thread will be deleted soon
^^^LOL look at who last edited that post about "liking children"...obviously a poking fun at his expense.

EDIT: that post is completely deleted now...but it had been edited by a moderator