Think I broke Somethin

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Jul 15, 2012
Hey guys, so the other day I was coming home, got ready to turn into the driveway, down shifted from 3rd to 2nd to 1st and KABAMMM, bike makes this horrible metalic bang, shifter hits me in the bottom of the foot and now it sounds like theres a little guy trying to pound his way out of my case halves with a 3lb sledge hammer. Any thoughts? Thinking it might be a good time to put a set of wiseco pistons in her if the cases need split. The bike had 3rd gear replaced almost 2 years ago when the previous owner had it. I'll be doing all the work myself, so labor charges dont effect me.
Any thoughts?
Pretty sure your air pressure in your tires is off, set them to 100psi you should be good.

Pretty sure you broke it. Anything that sounds like a 3lbs of hammering is bad m'kay
Bike is a 2008 with about 24K miles on her. Took it out today after sitting and staring at it in disgust for abit, the rattle isnt nearly as bad as i thought. Shifts fine through all the gears and only rattles at idle in neutral seems like, so I'm thinking maybe a counter shaft bearing or somethings up in the primary. Havent had time to tear into it yet and its been balls hot here in vegas. Still pulls nice wheelies so idk its issue. Like I said, leaning towards a bearing going out, maybe a poor shift on my part was enough to piss it off.
it sounds like theres a little guy trying to pound his way out of my case halves with a 3lb sledge hammer

Ever considered the possibility there actually IS a small man in your Buell? He's probably just pissed from getting tossed around. Might want to take a look inside and check for small angry men with hammers. That could legitametly be the cause. Or it could be the tensioner. I'd def check that too. But check for little men first...
Sounds like a bearing came apart or the primary chain has a loose link or something like that. I hope it's not more so it doesn't hurt your wallet too much.
Hey guys, long time no post, So the problem finally emerged in the way of my primary chain completely snapping, blowing out the front of my primary cover then destroying my forward sprocket, stator, and chain tensioner.[sad} I always check the chain tension during oil changes, must have just been a bad chain.[confused] I replaced all of it, also found 4 of the six clutch cushion springs where broke. Harley wanted 400 something for the clutch basket, I said F$%k that, drilled out the rivets, took my handy TIG machine and built the wear spots back up, re-profiled with the die grinder and a burr then instead of replacing with springs, I bought a chunk of 3/4" dia extra hard durometer polyurethane off ebay, cut it into 7/8" long slugs and slipped them into the spring slots. Bolted it back together with SS Button head allens and Bowma Lock nuts with red lock tight. Put her all back together with a new case cover, chain, stator, forward sprocket and modified clutch. Runs great, zero noise, and great clutch feel. Woohoo!!! :D