thinking about reenlisting...need opinions

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
Since many of my fellow buellers are either currently enlisted or veterens, I'd like some mos opinions/advice. I spent a few years as an 11b in the army. I want to go back in, but im not entirely sure what i want to do, and dont want the recruiter sales pitch. i cant sit behind a desk, but again, i dont want to hammer my body everyday again. when i get deployed, i also dont want to have a bunch of pac clerks watching my back. any and all opinions are more than welcome. Sorry if this isnt super clear, it takes forever to type on my phone.
Haha went In as an 18x, got in over my head at 19 years old. And I am going back in. Just trying to make a more informed decsion this time around
don't go 88M Motor transportation specialist. Long ass hours, last minute **** to do all the time, and everything we have in garrison is a pile of s*it. It's an important job but not one that will offer you any benefits outside the military unless you want to drive a school bus or dump truck. wish ya luck man.
Why not give aviation a try... better yet Marine aviation!! lol The best advice I ever received while I was in: its time to get out when you have more memories of the bad times than the good times. so if that was your reasoning for getting out. it may be better to stay out. mine was simple. I dont like living on the east coast. lol
You gotta find something you're interested in. Be it in the military or not. Set a goal and work for it. I'm a photographer. I always knew I wanted to work in the visual arts. I was able to join the Marine Corps as a combat cameraman. It's kind of a hard job to get into, but I had some amazing experiences. I got out after 4 years. I may look back and think that it'd be nice to be "retired" after 20 years, but although I'm quite proud of my service, my current situation is far better than the USMC.
a San Diego motorcycle officer told me those boys retire with something like %75 or %90 of their pay. If I were young I'de be all over that.
I have too many tattoos to be a marine lol. Aviation might be a good option as I would really love to fly helicopters when I finish my degree In the next few years.
I spent 26 years, 4 months and 5 days in the army, was an 18D/18B, and when my body gave out, went into Civil Affairs. Had the best times and deployments in Civil Affairs. My advice to you is do what feels right for you.
I definitely miss the Marines and have the itch alot then my wife reminds me of the bad things; like seeing her less than a year out of the 4 I was in. Plus I have a sweet job now. It was deploy, train, deploy. Wanting to start a family is why I got out.
So just think of what you want to do as in type of job, what your future plans are then way the options. It's gonna be a hard decision. Also to address the retirement my MSgt told me before I got out that the retirement is not what you think it is. You only get 50% of your base pay after 20 years of service. Then after each additional year of service you receive an additional 2.5% up to 75%. He said that he would definitely have to get a job to support his family.

good luck with your decision

Also I'm 25 and feel like I'm 40 some days. So think about that if you plan on staying infantry.
Man, I didn't expect to see so many 18 series guys. I would like to be one, but I dont know if my body can take too many more ruck runs out at mackall.