thinking about selling my camera

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Sounds like you need a cooler family..... Just sayin
I agree!! LOL

How much are you seriously thinking of getting out of it. Like Dave mentioned I am looking to buy a D90.
seriously about 3,000 MAYBE as low as 2,750 for it all. (so more than dirt :p)

I don't think I would split it up though, too hard to move the bits without the camera included.

not pictured is the camera and kit lens (18-105mm VR) and 1 memory card because I used it to take the picture
You would likely be able to move the accessory with less loss.
Biggest thing about just putting it up is the risk of loosing alot on it.
Technolgy in this day a d age progress so fast.
How many times have you seen a manufacture release a new item and slash the price on the last modle by 50%....
that does happen to the camera bodies quite often the fortunately the lenses stay current for years and years. same with the flash units and light meters (if I had a light meter)

I hate the idea of taking a loss on this stuff but I don't really need to hang onto it and the money could help make the payments smaller on a car we want to buy.

but I am by no means a motivated seller either, I wold be just as happy hanging it all up in my storage unit and letting it set there for 6 months till I figured out if I wanted to use it again or not.
Let someone else enjoy it for those 6 months. I was wanting a D90 till the new D7000 came out. I say sell the camera and a bag with the kit lens and flash(flashes get updated a lot). Then buy a new camera when you're ready.
IF I buy another camera it will be the D700 because its full frame. The zoom isn't full frame either but the 50mm is (and its my favorite lens too).
Lol 3000 :( I was wanting to give you 500 for the camera and one lens. But i didnt know you had so many extras for it.
But the D7000 does continuous auto focus in video mode! WITH FACE DETECTION!

very cool!

but I would probably still do video with my iphone like I do now


but I actually wanted the D90 because of its flash commander negating the necessity for a SB900.
but now that I say that the D7000 probably does it too huh?

Lol 3000 I was wanting to give you 500 for the camera and one lens. But i didnt know you had so many extras for it.

yea lots o stuff there, a whole photography kit. It will do just about everything other than macro, and that's only because I don't have a dedicated macro lens.
I love micro shooting, and landscapes. I have lots of sunsets and clouds w/landscape pictures. They are my favorite to do.
Dang, for that much you are going to have a hard time selling it all. You should just part things and sell the camera/lens kit.

Like you said the lenses and flashers maintain the price and with the amount of D90's out and about you will have no problem selling the pieces on Ebay to make your money back.

It is like a custom bike even though you have all the extras you wont get close to what you have into it. I would imagine you only getting $1200-$1500 out of the entire set. I have been watching them go on ebay and seen a full D90 Professional setup go for $1800 and it had way more stuff. It stated the entire set would cost close to $13,000 new, so it went for a huge loss as a set.
I have been watching them go on ebay and seen a full D90 Professional setup go for $1800 and it had way more stuff. It stated the entire set would cost close to $13,000 new, so it went for a huge loss as a set.


either everything was very outdated or he was desperate. especially if he had quite a few lenses mixed in there. lenses don't loose value that much, I have checked Adorama and B&H before I buy a lens and the savings for a used lens is marginal at best.

at that kind of a loss margin I should be selling my whole set for 485 bucks. Never going to happen.

send me a link next time you see a lens kit going that cheep, Ill go in with you for it and you can keep the camera ill take the lenses and we can spit the rest of the gear up. :p[up]
Hate to say it delta, but at that price you're better off keeping your gear and waiting till your situation becomes better.

Getting your body/lenses/flash new at b&h is only $1900 (well...the flash is used cause the sb-600 is discontinued). Realistically, if everything is in mint condition you are looking at getting about $1600 for body/lenses/flash. If you have a high end tripod/ballhead that will get you some more, but it depends on which model you have. The filters/batteries usually won't get you anything extra (unless they are high end hoya's or something), but they can sweeten the deal to help get a buyer who is on the fence to commit to buying.

I've bought and sold a fair amount of camera gear (~20k worth), granted it's all been canon gear...but I'm sure Nikon sees the same resale values.
I didn't know the sb 600 was dropped, what replaced it?

And the filters are Hoya HMC and ultras ;) the tripod/ball head was about 350 I think. Battery is Nikon.

It's too bad camera gear is so cheap used right now, last time I was shopping used values were so close to new it wasn't even with buying used gear...

I'll probably just box it all up and put it in my storage unit...…
I'm not too familiar with the Nikon (I'm a canon guy) accessory line up...I'd guess the sb-900 replaced the 600?

So if that's the case you should be able to get around $2k for everything, give or take a little. You would move it better by selling things individually...selling an entire kit really requires a specific buyer who needs everything you are selling, selling pieces opens you up to a lot of buyers who might just want one lens in particular or a backup or upgraded body.

Being that you are in a position where you don't need to sell quickly is an advantage for you. You can list the entire kit and if you don't get a buyer it's not a big deal.

Personally I'd just recommend keeping it. It's a great camera and you have a good setup for a wide variety of shooting. Selling used sucks and you would end up losing a lot of money buying again later on.
the sb900 is one model up from the sb600 but they are both current flashes last I checked, even when I googled the sb600 I could find nothing saying its discontinued.

yea I'll probably just keep it, a $1,500 loss after just over a year is not acceptable [sad]

and I still enjoy the camera, just not photography. I can take pictures with a PHD camera just fine for my current camera uses.

since is so expensive to get rid of this equipment does anybody have a line on a new family I could get to replace mine?
you are right, the SB-600 has been replaced by the SB-700, I wonder if the sb-900 will be dropped soon, it was actually out before the 600.

and the 700 has a commander mode like the sb900, too cool!
It's used equipment. You seriously can't expect it to not loose value.

some yes but nearly 50% in roughly a year?

imagine if cars did that, I could afford a nice ZO6 if that were the case.

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