Third Eye Mirror Warning

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Little warning to those using Third Eye Bar End mirrors, or perhaps any bar end mirror that comes straight out from the bar. Last Sunday, while out for a little spin, I found the fatal flaw with my bar end mirrors.

While at a gas station I bent my throttle mirror forward so I could hang my helmet. I do it all the time, no big deal. After gassing up, I put all my gear back on and off I went. As I got closer to the exit to the street I applied the front brake…and nothing happened. I couldn’t pull it back and now I was rolling quickly toward a very busy street. I immediately stood on my back brake with all my weight, which for us Buell riders, does little more than dragging your feet and flapping your arms. I finally pounded in into 1st gear and dumped the clutch and let it lurch to a stop. I looked over my front brake as I was a little concerned with my bikes new braking capabilities, and determined the mirror was perfectly angled to stop the lever from pulling back more than a half an inch. I had forgotten to pull it back after I took my helmet off. In a different situation…at higher speeds…with less reaction time…that could have been a HUGE problem.

Anyway, just a friendly heads up. I know some of you out there use these mirrors like I do.

oh dang!

I got an eBay set and only use the left side. Not for what you described, but I just have never used my right mirrors; Weather it be in a car or whatever. It probably goes back to my first car which did not come with a passenger(right) mirror.

I hang my helmet on my right side too, but thankfully I have not had the same situation! ouch!

pictures maybe?
I had the same problem with my Rizoma "class retro" bar ends. When I first installed mine, I didnt tighten them enough, and one came loose after a hour or two of riding. I was coming to a stop off the highway and found I couldnt pull my clutch in enough to take change gears. Luckily no one was on the road and I was able to knock it out of the way. Scared the hell out of me though. Like you it could have been serious in a emergency situation.

The easiest solution is shortly levers. I know not the cheapest, but now I dont have to worry about it, even though they are loctited now!

Glad you are ok.
I bent my throttle mirror forward so I could hang my helmet. I do it all the time, no big deal.

Im not familiar with the brand you have, but if they are like my CRG's then I wouldnt keep bending them. Once mine are tight, they are almost impossible to move, and if I try, I shear some of the plastic part of the ball joint. Then they become slightly looser. I could imagine over some time of doing this, it could really cause some damage to the joints.
Third Eye are actually bicycle mirrors. I bought them because they were readily available and way cheaper then their motorcycle counterparts. But every bit as rock solid and clear. They are made to bend so thats not really a problem. And if they did break, or god forbid I crash, they cost me $9 to replace both.

Shorty levers were a planned winter mod for sure. But now also for safety reasons.
Nomore will those third eye mirrors stay put and won't fly out at high speeds like 100mph+? I checked them out but could'nt find a good close up picture to see how their made, would you happen to have a good picture? Thanks.
Dont have a good pic I can send at the moment. They are plastic but pretty heavy duty. If they are installed right, they fit tight they dont move. You may need to play with the fit a little but they are great when done right. Sometimes the force of the wind may tilt the mirror back a little, but thats only over 100mph. And when I'm going that fast, I'm paying closer attention to whats in front. I ride with a couple people that use these, we all love them. They certainly wont fly off your bike if thats your worry.