I'm seriously a couple more cranks away from setting this bitch on fire I swear to god.
I put nearly 600$ into getting this bike running agin. Plugs and all. Brand new battery from HD. The bike ran for about a week like shit but nothing unusual. It would clear up after it warmed up. It sat for two days TWO DAYS in the cold I tried to start to run it for a bit. Has all the power in the world and does not struggle when started. Just no fire. Put battery on the charger and its 100% go to start agin same shit give up thought too cold. Next day 20 degrees warmer same shit. Put a heater on it warm the engine up. Same. When I turn the key I hear the fuel pump.
I'm really losing my patience with this bike I really am
I'm seriously a couple more cranks away from setting this bitch on fire I swear to god.
I put nearly 600$ into getting this bike running agin. Plugs and all. Brand new battery from HD. The bike ran for about a week like shit but nothing unusual. It would clear up after it warmed up. It sat for two days TWO DAYS in the cold I tried to start to run it for a bit. Has all the power in the world and does not struggle when started. Just no fire. Put battery on the charger and its 100% go to start agin same shit give up thought too cold. Next day 20 degrees warmer same shit. Put a heater on it warm the engine up. Same. When I turn the key I hear the fuel pump.
I'm really losing my patience with this bike I really am