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That guy says he is losing $1k, so he bough it for $3900, he got taken.

I could see $2900 if the engine was mint but who knows how long it was running as it lay smashed and whether the clutches are toast........ tons of possible under laying problems.

Not worth it to me.
Yeah that's a good old fashioned write off.

His best bet is to strip it down to it's wee little parts and sell the good ones individually.

He might even make his money back that way.
He should of taken his $3900 and put it into that Cadillac in the background. IMO
I agree WALLS! Its hurt pretty bad! Fixable but for the money you could have a almost brand new one.
No way I'd buy a bike with engine case damage like that. Who the hell knows what else is busted up under there.

Not worth the $2900.
wow....that dude needs to realize how much a bike is worth mint and how they are worth nearly nothing after you do that to them....i feel bad he got taken so bad on that deal
i know all the parts needed to do the swap. i've read the same posts about it that you have. idler bracket too lol

i called the guy on my way into work tonight. he was not interested in parting it out, but i told him that if he decides to part it out, gimme a call.
Yup thats the one, I am going to be doing the swap here in a few days. I found all the stuff on ebay. All I need is a belt at this point. May end up just buying a new one.
every one of these wrecked bikes that show up is one less in the world ,started out with (3099).
I hear that boreas, the problem is I think in the long run we are going to need these wrecked bikes to keep the ones that arent wrecked.
did you buy the aprts from ebay seller "southeastpowerspots" out of pooler, GA?

i re-checked ebay, and see that he has a CR frame, engine, rear wheel, but no swing arm, peg brackets, or rear pulley WTF?!?!
Yup! U sure did ur research on that one! U dont even want to know what I paid for the parts:D[up] I will be taking a lot of pics and posting up a how to / diy thread on it. I havent seen one over here on xb.