That guy says he is losing $1k, so he bough it for $3900, he got taken.
I could see $2900 if the engine was mint but who knows how long it was running as it lay smashed and whether the clutches are toast........ tons of possible under laying problems.
wow....that dude needs to realize how much a bike is worth mint and how they are worth nearly nothing after you do that to them....i feel bad he got taken so bad on that deal
Yup thats the one, I am going to be doing the swap here in a few days. I found all the stuff on ebay. All I need is a belt at this point. May end up just buying a new one.
Yup! U sure did ur research on that one! U dont even want to know what I paid for the parts[up] I will be taking a lot of pics and posting up a how to / diy thread on it. I havent seen one over here on xb.