I've have put 8k miles on my bike and i can honestly say that I haven't paid any attention to my gas mileage. I bought it to ride it, not baby it. If your daily driver is a car than honestly, who gives a flying f@#& what kind of gas mileage your motorcyle gets anyways. Ride it like you stole it. It's funny how many people on here brag about their performance mods but when they post pics of their bikes they have chicken strips 6" wide.
right now my daily driver IS my buell
I commute on it
carve roads with it
go out for a leisurely cruise to relax with it
and on occasion act like a total hooligan on it
(over 2.5k miles so far this season)
I keep track of my gas millage not just to monitor expenses in fuel but a dramatic change in millage could signal an issue that needs to be addressed.
and my chicken strips are about 1-1.5cm