Ticket in truck, Speedo way off

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Aug 10, 2010
Got my truck in march of this year and the owner told me he put a half ton rear end on it (from a quarter ton) and so the speedo is off. I knew it was off but never knew how much. I also only drove the truck about 3 times on the interstate to come home from college for drill or to hang out. Well last night at 1am i was doing 75 on the tach (i knew it was faster then 70 but not this fast) No one was on the interstate that i could coast with. Being upset from spending 7 hours waiting on a girl to give her birthday present to her only to get a "o i got one of theses only smaller".
Anyways, cop pulls me over says i passed a semi doing 93. My question can i prove that my speedo is way off (like a video or something) get it fixed can i get the ticket dropped?
Funny enough, my speedo only goes to 85 on my truck lol.

Also i know that semis cause slight reading errors in the speed guns, i also had my motorcycle and dirtbike.

Thanks for the input guys!
You could take a GPS, and record it while you're driving to show the speedometer speed vs the GPS speed. Who knows if it'll help though. You might get some leniency if you show them that you JUST bought the truck and had no way to know it was that far off, but you'll have to do your homework because chances are good they've heard the "my speedo is broken!" excuse at least twice.
Of course. I was thinking of using my moms gps to show the difference. Get it fixed and show i got it fixed. Show them i only drive it to come home for drill. My plates say march on them from when i got it.
Generally, at least in my area, if you get the speedo calibrated and show that you fixed it and show how far off it was they throw the ticket out or at the very least ticket you for only as much over you were speeding after subtracting by how much it was off.

Good luck!

Semis don't cause radar guns to give false readings. When you go to court you will have to plead no contest and request a trial. The jury could say you are innocent if you can prove you fixed it and didn't know it was that far off.you also could still be found guilty and also have to pay court fees. It's a gamble and good luck.

Source: I work at local sheriffs office and do have arrest power.

Plead NOT guilty and then it will go to trial.

No contest means, You do not contest the DA. Pretty much admitting guilt. And then they'll slap you with a mega fine and a few points.
Nolo Contendere (no contest) - A plea entered by a defendant that does not admit guilt, but that subjects the defendant to punishment, while allowing the defendant to deny the alleged facts in other proceedings. For purposes of sentencing a defendant, a plea of no contest is equivalent to a plea of guilty. However, a no contest plea differs from a guilty plea because it cannot be used against the defendant in other proceedings. For example, a plea of no contest by a defendant to a criminal assault charge will result in the defendant being convicted and sentenced for the criminal assault. But the no contest plea cannot be used in a civil suit against the defendant. A no contest plea must be made with the consent of the court.

Ya no thank you. Ill try to get a trail, or if i see the cop couldnt make it to the hearing (first one) ill ask to see my accuser.
Really varies on the state Michigan you just go and meet with the magistrate depending on the last time his wife did him decide if I got it fixed gets it tossed out.
You can appeal his verdict and get a lawyer to presue it further
Your laws must be different in your state Loki. In mine (Texas) you can plea no contest but still request a trial. Like it says in your description you are saying you are guilty but that you dont think you should be punished for some reason, in your case being your speedo being off. Good luck though.

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