All I am saying is, if you read all of my post, concerning the "Shorts" literally live 2 miles as the crow flies from my store, 3 because of the arrow straight roads in a grid pattern, all multi-lanes wide, with frontage roads.
Pay Attention to Your Surroundings, Those Three Miles I can See the Blue Haired Granny, The Delivery Driver, The Dog Walker along with the Dog, The Kid's long before they become a Hazard to Me. that is what we all are supposed to be doing. The A*'s are good, But I have never had a track day, and haven't been near 160kph recently. All the leather in the world won't save you if you get hit from behind from a Whacked Out Dump truck driver, or Broadsided by a Drunk running a red light.
The only "Gear Required by Statute", in Arizona is Eye Protection. There is pending legislation that would allow us to lane-split here, that may also lead to a Helmet Law, we will have to wait and see as most of our laws follow California. I Always wear Gloves, type depending on the Weather, Heavy Insulated Textile, Leather Gauntlet, Mini Gauntlet, or Armored Mesh. I always wear boots, two different sets, both are heavy leather Steel-toed and have the arch protection and fully cover my ankle and about 1/2 of my calf.
Now as to my mention of the weather, I don't know where all of you are, but Here in Phoenix, I have seen the Gas Boil in the Fuel Tank, I have had the soles of my Boots have the adhesive separate, I have had Heat Exhaustion nearly heat-stoke, while riding in full gear-mesh jacket/Gloves and a Nolan Flipup Helmet, in August '07 during my MSF "Experienced Rider Course", overheated the bike also, idling around all day, never getting above 30mph.
And with the current political situation All of Our Insurance is going to increase, along with fuel costs, and everything else. The coming inflation, due to the excessive printing of our currency, is going to deflate the purchasing power of our dollar more than most of you have seen in your lifetime. That is more of a concern than another rider doing a getoff.
"Ride Safe, Think and Stay Alive"