Time to repack muffler???

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Jul 2, 2007
Hello everyone, So I have been reading many posts about Jardine exhausts needing to be repacked... are there any signs that would let me know that I need to repack my muffler?? I am wondering if it may be the reason why my bike has been running weird lately... any info is greatly appreciated [up]
weird as in, the bikes inconsistently accellerates. the bike also idles rough and sometimes cuts off when I first start it up. when the engine gets to normal operating temperatures it starts to stutter as if Its gonna shut off when I give it gas... [sad]
That does not sound like the muffler but maybe. Actually that may just be a throttle reset. Or maybe new plugs.
yea I had the shop do 10k mile service and they gave me new platinum plugs, it has not ran right ever since!! I took it back twice and these guys cannot fix the problem to save their lives... I was thinking about taking it in to get it dyno tuned ( I know its stupid of me but I have installed K&N filter, Race ECM, Jardine Muffler, and Breather Reroute and have not had it tuned... just done tps reset) I am a banker and wish I was very mechanically inclined but I am not [sad]
if you have the race ecm you should be safe as far as tuning goes with those mods... sure custom is better but race maps work fine
I recently read they should be done every 5k. Mine had about 8k on it, so I went ahead and did it. I could tell the packing towards the front of the muffler was "worn out". Meaning it was thinner, dark and brittle. So anyway I'd say repack around 5k. It was easy and cheap enough. Also now I know my rivets are new.