Time to vote! 2014 Buell XB Calendar!

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So here it is ....

EricZ, Flaxb9r, ali, Bullettooth023, 50dro, loose1, Theycallmecrash, Big twin, Pur Pony, twp081321, Sirius815, Bello, HamishMC

First cut was at 19 pictures .... was REALLY hard to "downsize" at 13 .... Good luck to all ! :D
Noone1569 , Enemy zero , ericZ , 50dro , Robertsson , Big Twin , ash , route0766 , flaxb9r , johnnyd , bello , vance580 , sirius815

I don't really care about order, just want to see all the above in it :)
But it was tough to get it done. Plenty of good shots!!
Ericz, Josh662234, HamishMC, Vance580, Johnnyd, Wifarmboy, Williegoat, John422, Bossanova, 1Badtitan90, Pur pony, Ali, Big twin.
So far if my count is correct!
Ericz=11 Dadams=1
They call me crash =2 vance580=8
Willegoat=6 gocytocis=2
Loose1=5 drogen omen=2
TCS=4 bossanova=7
Ash=1 wilfarmboy=3
Loki=5 Johnnyd=2
Pur Pony=13 Burningexample=2
Bigtwin=8 john442=4
Ali=7 josh662234=3
HamishMC=12 buellettooth023=6
1badtitan90=4 07bolt=2
Ivlark=7 noone1569=9
Sirius815=9 twpo81321=6
Bello=12 buellronin=2
Enemyzero=2 nitto12ss=3
50dro=6 j20td=1
Ctrvl=2 route0766=2
Augustus01=3 turboraven=1
Flatxb9r=5 robertsson=1
Just to let everyone know there are two photos here one that I posted and one that my wife posted. This was cleared with Loki way before she posted her pic but she wanted to because she is a photographer. We however will only get one vote not two. Didn't want anyone thinking there was cheating going on. My pic doesn't stand a chance anyways with all the other amazing pics. [up] Keep up the voting[up]
Djs, no worries. But what other photo are you talking about. I'm curious to see it. I only see the one with your brown shirt in a turn.
My wife is Tabi the bike is red and black minus a scoop that It now has. We talked with Loki first as we didn't want to make anyone mad. He agreed to it and said that no rules were being broken but only one of our votes would count to be fair. I told her about the calendar when I got home and she wanted to submit a photo that she took because she is a photographer, but my favorite Photo is of me on the bike and I didn't want to post her pic so Loki said it would be fine for her to submit a photo if she had an account. Next year I will submit a diff pic. O she does love to ride, she even got a burn from exhaust on her leg so bad almost had to have a skin graph. Hope that spelling was correct.
noone1569, ali, Ericz, 50-dro, flaxb9r, bossanova, buellronin, bullettooth023, augustus_01, Pur Pony, nitto12ss, twp081321, Johnnyd
Nikfleisch Its actually a good pic but there are so many good pic's its hard to choose. Unless everyone gets a pic on a page of the calendar there are going to be a lot of worthy pic that don't make the cut.
Wow...this was really hard for me - and nik you were in my top 20! But I had to pare down, so:

50dro, Ericz, Robertsson, Turboraven, ali, noone1569, djs2k2, neilrl79, Buellronin, 1badtitan90, Bullettooth023, Bossanova, Flaxb9r

Quote for a month:

bossonova, ericz, ali, noone1569, bullettooth023, pur pony, loki, big twin, ivlark, twp08132, flaxb9r, sirius815
[up] but that's a first. Most have said it was a hard decision bringing it down to 13 but I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder! ;)
Ericz, noone1569, Bullettooth023, TCS, Ivlark, ASH, williegoat(can I vote for myself?), Flaxb9r, Bello, Pur Pony, Theycallmecrash, Bossanova, Sirius815

"When I open my throttle I hear a sound reminiscent of field artillery, accompanied by the distinct sensation of being struck from behind by a speeding freight train." -williegoat
Ericz, noone1569, 50dro, ali, twp081321, Bello, Pur Pony, HamishMC, Vance580, Ivlark, Turboraven, Bullettooth023, Augustus_01

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