To BUELL or Not to BUELL ??

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Hated to do it, but the Uly is gone. It died again on me again Monday. I was not willing to chase the gremlins any more. The frustration and expense was too much. The unique character of the machine Mr. Buell designed was fun and an interesting motorcycle to own. Wish it could have stayed and played longer. Adios !!
Hopefully you informed the poor bastard who bought it, or did you trade it in?

I went from buell to Harley sportster...back to buell then to a Ducati Hypermotard. Now I'm back on a buell for the 3rd time. I keep getting pulled back in. :D
Mines a lifer, its or mine. With brothers/sisters to come! Sad to hear its gone hope you told the buyer about the forum!
Traded it in. 2012 Suzuki D1000 . Didn't feel right to sell it out right. I did tell the dealer about being stranded, the fuel pump and the unusual Buell issues. They didn't seem to care. Wish I could have kept it longer and will miss being on an American Sportbike. That would have been a great bike with the Rotax engine in it.
Sucks to hear stuff like . I put almost 15k trouble free miles on mine last summer. Wish you could have enjoyed yours like most of us!
I bought '03 xb9 lightning from my local HD Stealership a year ago for a very good price (coming from a stealership). $2999 for the bike with 15k miles, D&D exhaust, new tires, all the fluids changed, and a complete "road safety service overhaul" where the dealer tags on another 500$ and they pull the entire bike apart, replacing anything that is worn out or not working on it. I put 5k miles on it just this last summer, as i drove my car ONCE (to from chicago to indy and back one weekend). Since i've owned the bike. one thing broke, and one thing has started having problems. I was messing around with the tuning and did a couple of TPS resets and the idle adjuster cable snapped on me. That cost me 6$ from the dealer and 10min to fix. However, (it stopped in the fall) when it got really hot here in illinois in the summertime, sometimes over 100 degrees, my speedometer would just quit. the Tach would keep going, but the speedo needle would make it up to about 30mph and just hang there dancing between 5 and 30mph. I'm not quite sure what cause this, but this bike has been MILES ahead of my blast in reliability. I sold the blast after replacing the rocker box gasket (40$ and 2hrs to do) as i felt that new parts are always a good selling point, and i was getting super bored with the bike anyway.

To be completely honest, i think buell makes lemons, and after having every possible thing go wrong with my blast, i would back this strongly. My lighting has run flawlessly for me, but then again, it's only at about 20k miles now. My dad has had harleys, japanese cruiser, japanese crotch rockets, and old enduros, so i've been helping him fix things for 15 or 20 years now, and the buells are still one of the easiest bikes to work on (when they're cold). Everything is super clean, neat, and tidy, and there aren't any carbs to adjust, no timing belts/chains to replace, and nothing really problematic. I'll be interested to see what happens this next riding season with it, as i already have a 1000$ bike fund already set aside from taking small amounts of tip money from work and putting it away. 500 of that is going to new gear (primarily a new helmet) and the other half is going to a SHTF fund in case something besides the engine breaks so i can just throw the money at it and keep riding.

I don't really think they are bad bikes, but like anything else, you have to take care of them to make them last. It's the same with cars. American cars aren't any less reliable than japanese cars or german cars, but the reason the foreign cars come across as being so much better is because the manufacturers offer better warranty plans. name an american car company that will call you, text you, email you, fax you, etc, just to get your oil changed? i think a LOT of people think "oh well the bike has a harley engine in it, so all i have to do is gas'n go." People always make fun of my bike and call it a "*** rocket" and a "leaker" and things like that, My bike has no leaks and it runs 5 times as good as any of my buddy's jap bikes. if something ever went catastrophically wrong with my bike, i'd honestly just buy some beater old kawi KZ400 or something like that and ride it until i had the money to fix my lightning and then i could make my bobber project out of the kawi when i was done with it! Buells really are a life style. You're either into it or you aren't
I'm fairly certain my bike is a lifer. It may be joined with some more brother and sister bikes but I don't plan on selling it.