to much power to start with?

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
i love the looks of the 1125cr but
how is a 1125cr as first bike?
they told me and i think to powerfull... am i right?
i don't know becous i did'nt test it
the only downside to it being a first bike is you wont have anything to compare it to. i rode jap bikes for years and got my first buell and it put all others to shame. you wont have that. the power is only how much you twist it. a stupid learner wrecks just as easily on a 600cc bike. if you dont have ego youll be fine.
Take a riding course& don't let all that hp go to your head= Youll be fine[up]
I disagree completely. Someone new to bikes does not need to have 150hp plus available to them. It is a disaster waiting to happen.
i agree with phazernut you dont start out with a 500hp supercar when your 16 you start out with that car that shoots out black smoke from the tail pipe everytime you start it and has more rust the paint on it.... well maybe that extreme but you dont get something out of your capbilities

another thing not to be negative but would you rather drop a $600 starter bike or your $9000 brand new bike that might be to much to handle

personally i started with a $600 bike just to get the basics and comfort of the road and used other drivers, had it for a year then went out and got my buell
I agree it has the capability of being way too powerful for a new rider. But if the rider is responsible and rides within his limits then all is well. Respect the 1125 and you will be fine. If you don't it will bite you in the ass! I vote you get what you want and not what others suggest. Have fun! Crewdog
do what you want its your money all cases stated make sense i started off when i was 17 with a brand new 883 sporster then after a year stepped up to a 1200 nightster. I bought a 1125 cr brand new as my first sport bike and i love it i got on it pretty good yesterday and i had to hold on pretty good. Just take it easy and youll be fine. the break in period is good because it makes you not get on it so you get used to the power once you hit 800 miles and can go balls to the wall
I agree with kokomochandler... it's all in the wrist. If your confident in your abilities and can control yourself and the bike than I would go ahead and buy whichever bike makes ya happy.... Good Luck!
Riding is inherently dangerous, anyone serious about the sport knows this.
Most accidents occur becouse people don't see bikes,no matter how safe you ride.
Like I said before, if you don't let all that power go to your head, if you take riding seriously(along with all that fun!), then I see no problem-that kind of power should give you alot of respect for a machine that can out perform you. Learn how your throttle & brakes respond, take a riding course, invest in your knlowledge& control of your bike.
If your a young gun with something to prove, it probly doesn't matter what you ride, your gonna get more than your looking for.
Eh as it has been state before its the torque not the hp that normally gets a newbie rider in trouble and the xb has plenty of that but I know several people who have started on a 12 just fine... As long as you use that thing you put in the helmet you should be fine... and most people start on 600cc sportbikes like the gsxr and cbr which are just as dangerous as any 1200 cc twin
I for one never understood the point of starting "small" then working your way up. Unless you have a bunch of disposable income, which in that case go for it, but most people don't. So what happens when in a year or so (prob sooner) you want something bigger? You go out, sell the bike, lose some cash & have to buy another? Doesn't make sense in my book. It's all dependent on the rider, of course. Myself, given the option, would start off on the bike I wanted, not what some feel I should "start" on. I agree with the statement above, if you're going to do something dumb that'll hurt you, you'll do it just as easily on a 600 as you would on a 1000. Get the bike you want.
if your financing the 1125 insurance rates are insane.
It is a ton of power if you abuse it or try to show off YOU WILL GET HURT!!!!!!!!
you no riding experience dirt bike even?
As a MSF Instructor, I tell my student to buy a bike that they like to see themselves on, therefore they will ride more, get more practice (no point of letting the bike sit in the garage and not ride because you hate it)! However, in general, when you have the power between your legs, you USE it because you can! Like the guys are saying, even the 250 Ninja can kill you. But I think the CR might be just a bit too much for the first bike. Just saying, do what you want![down]
The power of the CR is really smooth though...its not like a Jap bike where ya got no power down low and have to give it a good handfull to get a response out of it. Its like others have said...with the CR.. there is power from the moment you start twistin the wrist...the thing I would be more worried for you about is the massise stopping power.. if ya not carefull and gentle on the front.. ya better be able to controll a good stoppie or youll be eatin the bitch face first. Get it wont regret it..respect..!!
The power of the CR is really smooth though...its not like a Jap bike where ya got no power down low and have to give it a good handfull to get a response out of it. Its like others have said...with the CR.. there is power from the moment you start twistin the wrist...the thing I would be more worried for you about is the massise stopping power.. if ya not carefull and gentle on the front.. ya better be able to controll a good stoppie or youll be eatin the bitch face first. Get it wont regret it..respect..!!

Well said. By the way, Australians have one of the coolest accents. Can't help but to read this whole thing with a Dundee voice in my head. Haha, awesome.
I went from 0 riding experience to the XB12s. I am at 4k miles of some fun, crazy riding, but I have my head on straight (24 years old). Just understand lots of power WANTS to kill you. Don't do anything stupid and you will be fine and have the time of your life.
i'm 23years old
but i think i'm not going to buy a 1125cr as first bike you guy can know becous you have one, thaks for the heads up ;-)
I'm 25 and I started out on an '03 XB9R last summer. When the deals started flying after Buell's demise I bit the bullet on a rare opportunity and got an '09 CR. The power difference is ... in another dimension. Get what you want, but you may feel more comfortable starting with an XB or something not quite as ... potent. I know I'm glad I did ... if I made the throttle input mistakes that I did mid-turn with my XB on the CR, I think I'd be hurtin' right now.