Today the weather was pretty mild so I went for a ride. After crushing around and trying out my new threads ( Buell Adventure jacket and Pants ). I head home and of course I don't take the main road I take the back way home! Nice little scenic curvy country road.. I get close to home like within 3 miles and go into one of the last of the good turns.. And Oh Shit there is an on coming truck in the middle of the road... I avoid him but with the road being small and in a curve I couldn't correct fast enought. I was going only about 15-25 mph and laid the bike down again... I landed in the mudd and grass but the bike landed on my foot. As I roll around on the ground trying to figure out if I'm dead the guy in the truck comes slowly trotting up to me asking if I was ok.. I say yeah the say you know you were in the middle of the road right? This prick says yeah I know... I'm sorry then turns around and runs back to his truck and leaves!!! WTF!! Some other people stop to see if I'm ok cause I'm still on the ground and one goes after him to try to get his plates! They call 911 and but at this point I'm up hobbling around but I got to the hospital anyway! Just to say I was hurt and he fled the scene!! If I find this guy I'm going to sue the shit out of him! Good thing is I was fully armored and no broken bones or any road rash! Just a sore foot and some dirty gear! The bike looks ok a guy with his trailer and took the bike to his house till I got home from the hospital then brought it back to me. It dosent look that bad just muddie as all hell. The only things I seen that were damaged were: bent handle bars, turn signal broken, clutch lever took a big hit from the sign I took out, and both the left air scoop and oil cooler scoop and damaged. Not to figure out what my lady is going to do she said that she is over the bike and does not want to kill myself.. She has a solid point but...... Come on it's my bike!!