Took the Plunge

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Jun 8, 2009
I picked up my XBscg today. It's a 2007 with 533 miles on it. Not even broken in yet.
Was stumbling pretty good so I did the breather mod tonight helped quite a bit. I've got iridiums to put in tomorrow. So far I'm loving it.

The guy even threw in a Buell Leather jacket like new.
Here are the requisite pics.

to the Forum and the Buell family. Very clean looking nice bike! Here's a great thread for the new Bueller: Bueller Info

Again, Congrats and ride safe. Post up with any questions you might have.
Congrats dude!!! 500 miles, dang. Might as well have picked it up from the factory.

Welcome to the forum, ride safe!
Well as I sit here waiting for the tow truck, I'm wondering if we have any ideas.

Bike rode fine 30 miles 80degrees mostly hwy
Stopped for about 20min
Started up and was missing just a little at low rpm.

Then a few blocks away in city traffic. Started missing really bad had to pull over.

Checked the plug wire connections as this is what I thought had caused it before.
Wires are all solidly connected

Tried starting again running on one cyclinder for 20sec or so and then dies. Engine light is on.

I'm pretty much out of ideas
Bike has just under 700 miles

Thanks Dave. I ran the codes here's what it said.

11. Throttle Position Sensor
15. Intake air temp sensor
16. Battery Voltage
23. Front Fuel Injector
32. Rear fuel Injector

I have a new battery 12.9v or better.
Had new iridium plugs but are now fouled.
It's running so rich that it will foul out within 1 min of idling.

any ideas?

wow! is it still in warranty?

Maybe you have a bad voltage regulator or something. Its electrical that's for sure.
I checked today and the warranty expired April 28th of this year. :(

I think I can explain all but the TPS and Injector codes.
I forgot to hookup the intake air sensor the first time I took it apart so that explans that one(probably)
It had a weak / bad battery when I bought it so that explans that one.
I have an ECM cable on the way. I will clear the codes and reset the TPS and see if that gets me anywher otherwise it's on the trailer to the dealer:(

Somtimes I really miss carburators.
good lord man! Most of the time I love these bikes, but sometimes i hate them. Disconnect and reconnect the IAT sensor and make sure all connections are tight and also check for intake leaks. I had a problem similar to yours when i first bought my bike and I'm still not exactly sure what I did that fixed it, so keep piddling:D
Double check the tightness of the battery connections and your main ground connections to the frame on either side of the battery. If you have multiple codes like that, it is probably something central to the electrical system, not all your sensors dying at once.
Battery and ground connections come loose. Easy/cheap to check first, before you go deeper.
Let us know when you find the prob.
I think most of the codes are historic because of the bad battery that was in when I got the bike.
The engine light only comes on now when the bike has been running for a few min and is warm. If you start from cold it will idle fine for a few min. If you get on it and ride it, it will go around the block a few times until it gets warm then it will start missing the engine light comes on and it will die (fouled plugs).

It's got me wondering if there is a temp sensor that is not telling the injection to come off the enrichment circuit? Not sure how all the sensors play into controling the injection.

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