Totally Useless "Ever Wonder Why" Series ~xX UNcensored!! Xx~

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What was the point of that jetlee? Let us all know how brilliant you are? Thanks for killing an entertaining thread. You do know itt tech doesnt count as an enginnering school right?
i found his responses quite humorous :)

That would be Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineers don't do site work.

My thoughts exactly (I have a civil degree...)

I'm pretty sure you guys are joking, but in all seriousness mechanical is tough. Next to industrial engineering, civil is the laughing stock of the engineering trades, and it was very difficult for me. Mechanical, chemical, aerospace, etc are difficult.
Thanks for playing, see you next week

okay game on.

next are xtreme guinness revelations

the internet came 25 yrs ago. Wi-Fi soon after. Don't you think wireless telephone poles are due right about now? ;)

He's probably scanned this thread already. So, do you think its a good idea to propose fast & moderate work by illegal aliens, as a solution to slow, inherent traffic construction in major cities? I mean, come on, wetbacks from Mississippi are the answer to the countrys traffic problems? And then use the same user name id used on other frequented forums lol I laughed for 1/2 hour, mowed the lawn, built a bridge then called in sick to work haha

Why is it a 6pack cost twice as much as Gallon of gas?

you commute to work, but stop at a gas station. you could stop at work and commute to a gas station.

Is it illegal for a minor to become legally drunk?

I could probably hookup with tons of girls, if I had flashing lights, sirens and a jail-cell for a backseat lol

why go to a bar, just to have someone bring you a beer, empty your ashtray and listen to loud music? Oh, because blondes have more fun right lol

if pie = 3.14 then you wouldn't need to buy it by the slice

geometrically speaking, my angle is less than what I need to divide by each tangent resulting in a cataclysmic disaster

Is it me or are there a lot of animals that like to use the highways and roads to sleep on

Why don't they serve beer based on the mileage that you end up driving after you leave the bar?

the heart pumps 1000 gallons of blood a day. Shouldn't I be getting paid for that

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