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Someone explain to me the purpose of an MC these days?

The stuff on Sons of Anarchy is great to watch, i love the show, but its not real and can't be done in real life.

What's the point of being in an MC?
i think its kinda become like bein a member of a country club. I suppose it gives a lil sense of exclusivity to certain activities which would make the members feel superior to the rest of us. I dunno i can c some of the alure.
Someone explain to me the purpose of an MC these days?

money and controlling drug,guns,prostitution and extortion in any given area.using any and all violence needed to protect theyre business.

, but its not real and can't be done in real life.

where are you from it must not be america because that happens everyday in this country
I must be naiive then. I dont know of any MC's that run around and smuggle guns and drugs and can drive around and brag about it. But who sure there must be places where guys can get away with that...?
We have the MC gangs here in New Zealand to, and i think if all truths were told you would be suprized at what goes on with them. The police are always trying to shut them down. Hence they have simply learned to be more low profile about there activitees. And stay below the police radar. Over the years i at different times have repaired there bikes and found most okay to deal with, but you do get the odd one that can make you feel weary. But you get that with non gang members also. So i just take them as they come and dont judge them by there colours etc. [cool] KIWI.
that's crazy stuff. I really didn't know that stuff was still going on out there as frequently as you guys say it does.
r&d was done by porsche if im not mistaken
Actually Erik Buell designed the Vrod engine with Porsche. HD kept on interfering with it, making it bigger and heavier. Finally they wanted it for their own use. By that time Erik didn't like what it had become anyhow.
I must be naiive then. I dont know of any MC's that run around and smuggle guns and drugs
Yep a little naive, I knew a guy who was 25 years undercover ATF and he did nothing but investigate, infiltrate and eventually testify against MC's and gun running.
I've seen a few of the RC's in NYC take themselves a little seriously and do some crooked things under the table. They do some charity work too, which looks good on the surface and because I know a few guys in them, I get invited to stuff like Bikini bike washes etc. It's cool and all, but the whole elitist attitude is enough to make me say i'm not interested when they want to recruit..

Not to mention one person's problem becomes everyone's problem in that setting. I'd rather back someone I choose to ride with, than have to cover and ride with someone I think is an @$$hole because they are wearing the same patch or color.
Crazy stuff. Good to know i guess, slowly becoming less and less naive haha.

I wouldnt ever want to be apart of one. I would hate the stereotypes and problems that come along with it. I wouldnt mind having a small "club" with a few of my bros that I trust and respect than have to join and group and put up with them.
V-Rag Engine was slated to be a Buell Engine anyway. Erik Buell and Porsche designed and built it until Half Dead took it for themselves.then they choked it downso it would sound like a tractor and make no power compared to its original configuration. A supercharged V-Rag makes 157hp & 85 lb/ft torque on a bike I was looking at while searching the net...
On the topic of MC's. I just did my best to embarress some dude wearing Amigos colors by trying to ride with him on my wifes blast(it was kinda funny, he did his best to get away on his 800lbs POS). Anyway to my point are they (the Amigos) a "puppet" club for the Bandidos or...?
yea had a couple run-ins with them of them thought he was just going to bump into my mirror at a local bar and just keep walking.NOT

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