TPS reset at 1pm Pacific time...

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
Im leaving to get my TPS reset at 1 pm today. My question is now that I have installed my race ecm, k&n filter and Jardine exhaust, should I be okay to ride it for the 15 to 20 minutes to get there. Should I make stops to let it cool..since its running so lean now. Or should I just cruise straight there?
Thanks, I made it. I got it reset and left the shop, and was on my way to another shop when I came to a red light. All the sudden it sounded like my headers were completely plugged then it died. The light changed and I couldnt get it started. WHAT THE HELL!! I had cars honking and had no choice but to jump off my bike and push it to the sidewalk. I then had to push it another 60 feet to the first store inlet were after a lot of patients and trys it started. I rode for a bit and it seems to be doing fine. BUT, I notice it is hard to start at times. Im hoping it is just the ECM still adjusting, but its never been this hard to star for me.
maybe the connector isn't on 100%.

i would go back and tell them what happened. that way, when something is wrong, they already had a 'heads-up' ;)
if you dont mind me asking, what did you pay for your tps reset. my race ecm comes in on tuesday and my local shop said they would do the reset for $75. seemed a little high to me, charging me an hours labor.
I paid $45 at my Harley shop. It only takes about 30 minutes. I sat there and waited for it and BS'd with the guys. After that, the guy who did it came out and talked with me, and said it would run like crap for a little..He specializes in Buell's..eats, sleeps, breathes Buell. He said his own bike took a couple weeks before it ran real strong. He even messed around with my bike for a few minutes longer he said, and that it only in reality takes just 10 to 15 minutes for a reset. Dont let them stiff you for 75 skins man.
It seems to come and go with the starting issue, starts right up on time then slow to start the next..weird. I will call them on Tuesday to let them know whats up and see if it is just the air/fuel ratio..or what ever working itself out. I have a feeling it is. Possibly even my bat. It reads it charged on my digital charger, but doesnt feel like its kickin out that amps needed to start right away. I was talkin to a friend and he suggested I let them know also and to wait a couple weeks to see if it gets any better....I think thats good advise.
check your battery under working (cranking) condition...then you'll know, zoedogg1
How do I test it that way? I have a voltometer with all sorts of crap on it I dont understand.
put the meter on the batt and start...
if the voltage drops too much, you're battery doesn't have enough power.

normal should be 12.4 with ignition on, above 13 while running.
Your right LeFox, I went home for lunch today and checked it out. Can you believe I've managed to start it at time with only 11.4 volts? It even read 10.9 after a couple of unsuccessful tries in a row. I jumped it with a 12V Deep Cycle in my garage, and returned to work. A NEW battery is being charged rightnow at a shop down the road... Thanks again