TPS reset walkthrough

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Mar 17, 2010
Ok while I was looking for a topic about what might be wrong with my buwll lightning, I noticed a lot of talk about TPS (throttle positioning system) and that it might be causing a lo of our problems. So I found this walkthrough, and whle you need software for any model older than 08, any 08+ can be done without any tools or software. All you need is your key.
so Here it is and hope this helps, i will be trying it on my 09 lightning, to see if it fixes the power loss/lag when pulling on throttle. I will tae a vid of before and after...
Well from what i have read, they do it at the dealer every time its serviced, so I would say every time you change the oil or tune it. Its done, from what I know, to reset the angle at which the butterfly valve on your intake rests... basically making sure the right amount of air is getting to the engine. If the throttle position (in relation to this valve) is off, then the fuel air mixture will be wrong, and it will cause problems.

Id say if your buell is running right, dont mess with it as you could potentially cause problems.

Im doing out of shear desperation, as my lightning isnt running right, and lags when you pull the throttle. My next move is to check the fuel injectors...
that is for the direct link cable and software , cheaper way is the ecmspy cable and free ecmspy program. but basicly it is aboutthe same process for both.
. see you can get the ecmspy on ebay alot cheaper than the direct link cable. alos the service manuals tell about it also.