Tranny/Primary Fluid Question

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Nov 13, 2012
Would it be any problem changing from The Formula+ primary fluid to the Full Syn 20/50?

Jug says its OK in all tranny's and primarys. Just want to confirm.

You cant put just any 20/50 oil syn or what ever in. Should be an oil specifically designed for v-twin engines and primaries, there are certain additives that are in there specifically to work with the wet clutch. Long term of auto/truck/car oils may cause excessive wear or even break down of the clutch material. Some may argue theyve had no issues but id stay on the side of caution. I run mobile 1 full syn vtwin in engine and trans.
Sorry. Ment to say Harley Davidson Full Syn 20/50. The jug says good in all motors, trannys and primarys, but want to confirm with someone who might know for sure.

got an interesting story about oil's for Harley's/Buells. A TRUE STORY.......

I'm sure you know that when your oil is due for a change, harleys will have a problem finding neutral, i started with the standard HD oil, the HD synthetic, then did the resarch and went with Amsoil for 3 years. and one day, I was in a hurry, could not get my Amsoil, so I went to NAPA, got the standard 20/50 motorcyle oil, and realizing I only put 3,000 miles on a year why bother with synthetic?. (change my oil every spring for moisture reasons in Indiana climate) and guess what? my buell has never missed finding neutral ever since :) I have owned the bike new 2007, it has never shifted better, I admit I am a little puzzled myself, but those are the results I got. note; I do adjust my shifter a little on the high side to assure a solid shift up and down.
Next week ill start another one, but itll also ask about tires all in one thread. I hope Lesley will be able to add some helpful knowledge on his age and torque wrenches. Oh9bolt might even tell us his views on gas caps, or how to search for information. Also look forward to netty showing off some more **** action. So much to look forward to next week!!! Cant forget loki will most likely troll the **** out of it too.
I must be the only one here that wouldn't use Syn 3 in my trans. Not sure if HD still put it in their CVO bikes but they had a lot of baggers have trans failure with it. Why would it be better than Formula + the recommended oil that is also cheaper ? Syn 3 isn't even a good synthetic motor oil but it does come from Harley Davidsons own oil well.
Next week ill start another one, but itll also ask about tires all in one thread. I hope Lesley will be able to add some helpful knowledge on his age and torque wrenches. Oh9bolt might even tell us his views on gas caps, or how to search for information. Also look forward to netty showing off some more **** action. So much to look forward to next week!!! Cant forget loki will most likely troll the **** out of it too.

my fav post of 2013!!!!!!:D:D[up][up]
88b: fluids have been discussed to death on here but in essence i believe it's agreed that ANY and i mean ANY quality 20-50 oil approved for wet clutch applications will work fine in these primaries. in all honesty i've opened up sportster primary and trans assemblies with 100,000 plus miles on them and could never tell a difference in wear characteristics between a steady diet of the most expensive lubes or price-point Castrol Act-Evo.
I bought an 09 firebolt that was all stock...I changed the primary and engine oil to RP 20/50 then noticed a lot of clunking. Was WAY DIFFERENT and crap from the F+ I changed from. Before the gear changes etc were nice and quiet but after was loud and clunky. I went down to HD and went back to F+ after about a thousand miles of the 20/50. When I changed the fluid out, It had way more shavings in it that I liked. Since going back It has silenced almost back to normal. IMHO, I would stick to what works. Also, when draining the 20/50...It was really thin when hot as well. Not sure if it was the Royal Purple brand, but I will be staying with F+ in primary and Mobil 1 in the engine. Just my honest opinion.:)
Next week ill start another one, but itll also ask about tires all in one thread. I hope Lesley will be able to add some helpful knowledge on his age and torque wrenches. Oh9bolt might even tell us his views on gas caps, or how to search for information. Also look forward to netty showing off some more **** action. So much to look forward to next week!!! Cant forget loki will most likely troll the **** out of it too.

Grab some AMSOIL 20w50 from me for it, at cost. Much better than that harley syn and probably cheaper than your local dealer as well.
Next week ill start another one, but itll also ask about tires all in one thread. I hope Lesley will be able to add some helpful knowledge on his age and torque wrenches. Oh9bolt might even tell us his views on gas caps, or how to search for information. Also look forward to netty showing off some more **** action. So much to look forward to next week!!! Cant forget loki will most likely troll the **** out of it too.

Bwahaha! Good one! Hey, not everyone can be Michael Jordan! Even Michael Jordan needs his role players! I'll be happy to support an oil thread with a couple of hooters! [up][cool]
Next week ill start another one, but itll also ask about tires all in one thread. I hope Lesley will be able to add some helpful knowledge on his age and torque wrenches. Oh9bolt might even tell us his views on gas caps, or how to search for information. Also look forward to netty showing off some more **** action. So much to look forward to next week!!! Cant forget loki will most likely troll the **** out of it too.
Not everyone on here is young, dumb and full of cum. But you press on and lunatic and I will keep you educated. Bless your heart
Oil, Oil, double TOil.

Previous Owner ran Mobil One Vtwin 20w/50 so that is what I am running. One of the manuals says not to switch your oil, not sure why, i imagine the clutch you do not want to have compatibility issues. Rode all winter and have no complaints and mileage has been great so it's not broke, and I do not need to fix it.