Trip and clock and fuel reseting issues.

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Apr 22, 2017
My 2008 XB9 ctiy is constantly resetting the digital cluster info ( not the odometer... I wish ).
The clock, tripometer and the fuel. Its a nuisance.
I have had the battery and the voltage regulator replaced.
Doesn't seem to be a short that I can see.
Any ideas?
Even though you replaced the battery this only happens when voltage to hold the info AND start is to low. Check with a volt-meter, if you have a battery tender you can see for yourself the draw is to much buy starting the bike with the tender on the bike as well, the info won't be lost. Also I am contractually obligated to say "check all grounds" buy law!
A weak (cheap) or too small (CCA) battery will do that too. With a voltmeter on the battery, crank the bike. You should have <9.6Vdc while cranking especially right away. It might be hard to see with a slow DVOM, but an analog voltmeter will show it.

When it cranks, does it do the 'rotate, stall, rotate, then start' thing?

Try this 'Buellizm':

Tap the start button and the engine will start to turn over to TDC. As the engine slows against the compression, release the start button and immediately press it again. With a little practice, you can use this technique to use the momentum of the compression 'bounce' to swing the heavy crank through TDC and give the starter and battery a little break.

and check your grounds;)
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you have voltage drop to the cluster during start-up phase. note: the odometer accrued mileage will NEVER change as it is held in the cluster memory. if your new battery is some "off-shore" internet purchase and not one of the popular brands such as Big Crank, etc etcc it will do this right out of the box. insufficient CCA's as shaughn stated. do this:
1-check your battery again. if off-shore brand replace with quality unit
2-check both battery cable the starter and at the ground. a cable that is frayed or cracked going into the terminal end carries insufficient amperage on start-up mode
3-remove all 3 relays and CAREFULLY CHECK the female fusebox ends that each relay plugs into. if corroded or burned will have to be carefully addressed
4-your dog-bone braided ground cable needs to be checked for cleanliness and tightness. it is under the air box base plate.
5-locate your 4-wire ground cluster front of bike. either attached to upper triple tree clamp or steering neck. remove...inspect....clean...inspect for integrity....replace.
I'll bet that if you place the bike by your car WITH CAR NOT RUNNING and jump it to start the bike....all is well and no resets. typical faulty battery easy-check.
Thanks to all for the " check the grounds tip "
But seriously.
Thank you all I will be checking all of this.
I thought the bike was buggy.
The owner before added LED signal lights and did have an offshore gel battery in it... which was supposed to be new but died shortly after I purchased it.
I'm on the 3rd battery since then but I keep this one on tender but it seems to be doing it again, so I guess its time for another one.
Any suggestions on a decent battery? I will also be keeping it on tender when not riding.
a few tips and suggestions: XB's are pure hell on batteries. the "lay-back" installed position plus tons of heat and vibration in the battery locale challenge the finest batteries known to man. anything with less than 200 CCA's eventually leaves you stranded. below are 2 links to what i consider the finest buell battery i've ever used and like primary drive fluid....i've tried them all. manufactured here in chinese garbage...tremendous warranty....great pricing...tons of power...superior terminal design and quality. LET ME ALSO add these 2 tidbits:
1-do NOT leave a "tender" hooked up indefinitely. they get confused. don't know how else to explain it. even the techs at deltran never got a handle on it. if you absolutely insist then plug the tender into an outlet timer like used for lamps, etc. have it come online a few hours every nite.
2-all XB's use the same battery which conveniently enough is the same as all H-D V-Rods. don't forget that. if you're ever stranded and need and to make an emergency purchase most all parts houses, crap-marts and H-D dealers have 1 or more in stock.
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If your bike is eating batteries (3 right!?!) it would seem prudent to check for a drain and check the charging system.

To check a drain:
Ignition OFF. Disconnect the battery (-) and use a DVOM set to amps. One terminal on the battery (-), the other on the (-) lead. (probably have to put the leads in the right spots on the meter). I don't like a draw past 20mA.

To check the charging system.
Re-connect the battery and put a voltmeter on it. Should be 12.5V at rest.
Crank the bike. should be <9.6v during cranking. Less than that could be a bad battery or a bad starter drawing too much.
Running at 2500rpm and above it should be 13.5v-14.7v. Less than that is a weak charging system (lots of reasons why) Any greater than that and you could be cooking the battery and most likely a voltage regulator problem.
Thank you all for the advice.
Invaluable info here.
Just one more question... where is the battery located?
Thank you all for the advice.
Invaluable info here.
Just one more question... where is the battery located?
you kidding? if so....waste of valuable board space and not even humorous
if NOT kidding then google the following:
1-reinstalling buell XB lightning seat
2-reinstalling buell XB factory battery strap
3-crossed my battery cables---huge sparks---now what?

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