trouble code 15 air intake

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
my bike i did the engine swap on wont stay runing. its jumps to 2k (idle) and then just shuts off its a 04 xb12r i went to do the tps reset today and i figured id check to see if there were any codes and it popped up as a 15. so now that i no where the problem is?

how can i test the sensor to see if its a bad sensor? and how can i test the harness to see if its a short in that?

incase you dont no trouble code 15 is air intake sensor shorted to supply voltage or open

thanks guys!
did the sensor come unplugged somehow?

it's the sensor on the baseplate of your inner airbox, protected by your filter.

it throws that code if it's unplugged.

and it will still be able to run if that is your only issue.
i had it unplugged a few days ago, i dont no if i tried to start it with it unplugged tho

and that wouldn't make it shut down like it is?
shouldn't make it shut down, but it's worth a shot to fix it if it's a continuous code. it could be sending a bad reading if it's going out, that'll cause the ecm to adjust to bad info. it's interchangeable with a ford IAT sensor
wow the relay that i had to replace was a ford one to haha. ill go play around with it a little more see what happens
do you no what year ford its off? i no auttozone will ask for a year and moddle car
cool man thanks i unplugged it and plugged it back in again and it went away.. it still wont stay runing. i did the tps reset. but it just goes to 2k and shuts down if i give it some gas it will run at 4k and its got alot of popping sound in the exhaust. and it feels like is going to die. and it backfires a bit.

could it be plugs? i put new ones in when the engine was out.
i cant figure this bike out.. it seems to just fight me with everything i do.
umm ill try tomorrow after work and stuff its a little to dark right now. and the battery is on the charger now. i killed it starting it a bunch and just leaving the key on playing with ecm spy
Check the reading on the TPS, Almost sounds like you are in need of a TP sensor.Was it removed with the Engine Swap? Might want to try and Back the Idle Screw out to barely touching the tip. Maybe a Throttle Plate gasket? Mostly though check to see what the reading is on the TPS. Reset it a couple of times to see if it stays the same on the readings.Make sure to see if your idle cable is binding causing the high Idle and shut down.
Yes a Video is always helpful. Is the fuel line Kinked anywhere? Small Things First. Engine Swaps always need a little Debugging.*Jimi
the tp was at 7.1 before i did the reset. its at like 5.5 right now

where and what is an idle cable? is the the one to adjust the tps?
ok thats what i thought. yea thats not kinked or anything

i found out that my aunts neighbor works on buells so im havin him come take a look at it on friday. ill let you guys no what he thinks.