Trouble with ecmspy mono & race eeprom

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Aug 24, 2012
So here is what i have

2003 Buell XB9R Firebolt - ECM Type BUECB (with open airbox & Jardine RT-1)
ECM Cable (from ASB)
Cable drivers
Paid version of ECMSPY Mono
All running on my netbook with windows 7

The bike is connecting and giving me real time read outs and letting me run tests such as cooling fan and tach test & i have saved the maps & EEPROM,,, also successively did a tps & AFV reset.

I was having a hard time finding the ebr race eeprom in a .epr file (they were all a .txt for older ecmspy) but Mike at Xopti got me the proper file, now when i go to load the eeprom i get this message...

Failed to open EEPROM file:
EcmInfo.Set(int) - Error: Failed to select ECM type from database.
Unsupported ECM type.

I have been going in circles trying to figure this out... i understand about tuning values and that the race map isn't perfect for all conditions but its where i feel safe starting BUT... I just want to load the .epr to my ECM and tune from there. I hope someone will be able to help me out, I cant find contact info for anyone from ECMSPY to ask questions.

Have you paid for all the eeprom types or just yours?
If you pay for all, there should not be a problem, but if you only paid for one it will never open the other types
If you have the older ECMspy, try to save the new map on the bike ECM and then open it on the mono and save it
I also have downloaded tuner pro (Free version)

If anyone thinks there is a way to get the .epr racemap into tuner pro and onto the ecm somehow.
I have been talking with Xopti and he is trying to get things straightened out for me but it looks like I will now be using tunerpro rt and not ecmspy. at this current time i cant get tunerpro rt to recognize the cable but between xopti and myself we should have that figured out this evening.

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