Tuber question from XB guy

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Orlando Florida
In case some of you guys don't know me, Ive been a member for about 5 years, I got two XBs and I love em. I see tubers come up on craigslist every now and then in rough shape for short money and they always make me pause and consider making a custom streetfigher out of them. Ive heard all the online rumors about the reliability of tubers being not that good but we all know how Buells in general get ripped on by the average Japanese I4 rider that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground but I just want to hear it directly from you guys.
Are tubers the pain in the ass that they make them out to be?
Ive been riding a tuber since 08- love every second of it. Knock on wood, mine has been great with very little issues. There are many over on badweb that ride the hell out of there tubers.

There are a few little issues with them but they can be resolved fairly easy. Overall they are great bikes and different then the XB's. They have an attitude all their own.
I'm in the process of repairing the previous owner's damage to my M2. I've had it for almost a year now and still haven't rode it yet. I picked mine up on the cheaper side ($1400) but have sunk at least that much into it again. Is it worth it? Dunno yet, but I've done a few upgrades to it and some other mods that weren't exactly required to make it road worthy that cost a bit of coin. I really only have 2 things left to do to make it operational. Shifter/brake setup that's almost completed and paint. I picked this one up with an absolutely horrid rattle-can/brushed on paint job. Numerous leaks, suspension was totally sacked out, wire harness was butchered, etc. Almost all the mechanicals are done, so it's getting closer. I'm actually looking forward to riding this one, it's much more "roomy" than my xb9 and a different pace than the 1190 RX.
I got two XBs...Ive heard all the online rumors about the reliability of tubers being not that good...Are tubers the pain in the ass that they make them out to be?
You know, the tuber guys say the same thing about XBs being unreliable too. ;)

Never owned a Tuber myself but several riding acquaintances have had them over the years & I've never seen or heard anything especially troubling about them.
actually most of the stuff I hear about them doesn't come from Buell guys at all.. its comments from Honda guys telling stories about "their friends old Buells but the XBs were a lot better' kind of thing... but I know better to take those comments 100% seriously after reading the ******** they say about XBs and Buells in general.. I want to hear it from the owners themselves.

keep em coming guys.. what are they like to own?
It's a harley motor with a little bit of massaging to it. Suspension is typically better than hd once it's sorted. Easy enough to work on, trapdoor transmission so no pulling the motor to work on it unless it's top end work. I guess one other thing I'll add, steering damper. Saved my ass on the xb, came stock on the 1190 and I don't think I want to go without one on the tuber. The frame has a little more flex to it than the xb, 1125 or 1190.
its comments from Honda guys
I also happen to be a Honda guy (CB750, NT650, VFR, 919, & CBR) & from that perspective, I'd never buy any Buell if reliability was my top priority because IME bikes simply don't get more reliable than Hondas.

Referring back to what I have seen of acquaintances who've had Tubers however, they don't appear especially unreliable to me, certainly no worse than a Ducati would be.

Handling seems still adequate by today's standards but the carbureted motor is significantly less powerful than the FI motors in the XBs (which are not particularly powerful themselves), so be prepared for that...
if I were to buy one it would be more of a "cool thing"... not something that I try to run on its ragged edge. Just solid street bike with bare-bones killer look to it.. XB has plenty of power for me already, any more would be asking for trouble with the law. How tall are they? Taller than a XB-S model with a stock seat in it?
My kitty thinks they are pretty cool.
I have a '06 XB9r and a '99 S3 and out of all the bikes I have owned in the last 45 years, the S3 is my all time favorite. I have had very little trouble with it, it is comfortable, easy to work on, runs strong and handles good enough for this old geezer.

I would rather take the Tuber on a long trip than my XB or my '77 ElectraGlide.

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On my 3rd tube frame, 2 XBs and then some others.... the tube frames and blast have given me nothing but pleasure and been more reliable than the XBs.
S1's are my favorite too, very light nimble and plenty of power.
Ive owned two of them at this point and have been looking for another.
They are still carb bikes and as said by others very easy to work on and mine were both extremely reliable, rode one every day for a year to work over a hour each way.
I have a 2000 x1 and a 09 12s love them both have 33k on the x1 had timing pick up fail other than that no problems, but it's not as refined as the 09. Tubers are great I prefer it to the newer bike.
Any updates Gloom? Did you end up getting a Tuber?
I absolutely love my S3, and I've had no issues that I haven't caused!
Unrefined by today's standards, but you won't get that brutal hot-rod thrill on a newer bike either.
If you can find one to test ride, you'll be hooked.
Any updates Gloom? Did you end up getting a Tuber?
I absolutely love my S3, and I've had no issues that I haven't caused!
Unrefined by today's standards, but you won't get that brutal hot-rod thrill on a newer bike either.
If you can find one to test ride, you'll be hooked.

I forgot all about this thread.. ha ha a few months back I saw a M2 in neglected condition for 700 bucks, it was perfect for me... I got the money together in a few days and BAM!.. IT WAS GONE someone got to it before me... still looking for something like that to appear again.