i know my drivers work because things seem to be working in ecmspy. what two files did you need to used for your 08 buell sparky. the 2 files that oldgit is talking about is the adx and the xdf right.
well i was messin around with things again now i have noticed that i dont have full capabilities for ecmspy. i still cant adjust maps or anything like that. so once again im 3 steps back.
ok I think im connected to both now. I can bring up my maps and things. So my next step is to calibrate my idle. it idles around 12k and i think thats high. isnt it supposed to be around 10. so can anyone tell me how to calibrate it with either program. its an 08xbS. thanks
The files are different. You do only need two. However I did the originals and Gunter did his versions. I have things in mine he does not and vise versa. Could I go edit mine and add the other stuff ? Sure I could but why since the other version is already done.
you have two XDF file types
You have two adx file types
the XDF is a full version with everything and a LITE version with only the basics you use most.
The ADX is one Gunter has which has a few different list views for errors and stuff but that is it. My ADX has a dash and send commands but it does not have the error code page to tell you what the code is only the send command to clear it or do a tps reset where applicable.
Therefore, depending on what feature you want to have available you select from either XDF or either ADX. Or be like me I have four versions for every ecm of each. That is 4 XDF's and 4 ADX's = 8 total for each firmware. That is a lot of files... Just look at all the firmwares and add it up.(this does not count the different Profiles under each ADX with the different history settings and such for specific ecms and applications. I also have two different Plugin files. the one the public gets and then I have my personal one that is open data commands to read any ecm.
That is why you have 4 files for the consumer... Hope that clear up things for everyone.
When I release the live XDF emulation hardware and click on the left/right arrows to try and data log, the box at the bottom just turns pink and continuously says "connecting", but never "connected". Anybody know how to jump this little hurdle?
I too get this pink connecting box that never connects. I have lowered the values to try and get it to connect but unless its some very specific number it still wont connect. Bump!!! Xopti save me! just bought one of your cables and want to put it to good use!