Tuniversity Update - Removing Some Services

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2009
Well, it's happened. I'm sad to say that between thesis research, my Master's program, and preparation for medical school in the fall, The Tuniversity is going to have to slow down. I've been sufficiently busy these days to have to put a couple clients on hold, and this is really not acceptable given their financial investment in my business.

In short, I will soon be removing the custom tuning services from my offerings. They're very time-intensive, and if I can't do it with an incredibly high level of customer service, I'd rather not do it at all.

I will still be offering my Webinar package, which will provide almost every prospective client with everything he or she needs to tune their Buell. Additionally, I will likely add a package that combines the webinar with a computer setup, so that interested individuals can bypass the admittedly difficult software preparation step.

To anyone who has purchased a custom tuning package or is in the middle of working with me, I will certainly honor all agreements and complete my duties. To parties who are interested, but have yet to engage my services, it will need to be on an as-available basis. Send me a PM if you fall into the latter category.

If things slow down next quarter and I have more time on my hands, I'll open up shop again. I have a very expensive honeymoon fast approaching, so it is likely I will need to generate some additional income before June. Thanks for understanding.
Thanks for the support guys. I just don't feel right leaving anyone hanging, so I'd rather dial it back than keep pushing forward like nothing has changed. Whether I like it or not, my life is busy as hell.

Turboraven: depending on your time frame, and how hard you want to work to finish the tuning, I may be able to help you. I sent you a PM with my phone number. Give me a ring and we'll talk it through.

At the very least, my Webinars will always be available.
Additionally, I will likely add a package that combines the webinar with a computer setup, so that interested individuals can bypass the admittedly difficult software preparation step

I purchased the cable and software came with, but can't get it loaded. As advanced as software programs are now, why is this one so archaic and the set-up so difficult for first timers?

I think this package would be extremely beneficial! How do I sign up?