turn signals/ whatr the options

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2008
what are my options for replacements. ive heard the rizoma zeros are good. couple options with LINKS would be great. tell me what and where to buy and im runin. also some installation instructions would be great if available. thanks gentlemen. [cool]
Paul -

If you interested in the Rizomas, take a look at PJ's Parts. They're great to deal with.

Gday Paulr...
I Just went onto Ebay and typed in LED indicators, and a **** load came came up to chose from. I just bought some short carbon fiber 14 Led's. They were cheap.. bout $20 AUS.Easy to install, just remove front cowl, unplug the old ones and plug new ones in. I did all 4 so had to put a resister in under the passenger seat, Makes it think there are still globes present. For the front install, I drilled new holes in the side next to the headlight, or ya can just use the slots provided.. easy as..!!

Heres a pic for ya..!!
cool i am glad to here that.
i followed behind some cheap led's that sucked.
they shipped today so hopefully have something to do with my bike this weekend or next week i am so sick of the dam snow
lol.. snow.. whats that???. we only have heat down here, its been too hot to ride. The black frame/tanks on the side just get way too hot and burn the legs.[cool]
bought em from pjsparts.com. i hope they come with the "load box", watever that is [confused]
Not sure if im correct Paulr.. but it might be like a resistor in the wiring loom. I needed to put them in mine as I took out the rear indicators with the globes. The system needs to think that the globes r still present.. other wise they flash really fast.

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