turning radius? triple tree

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Oct 2, 2007
i would like to turn sharper than the bike will allow. does anybody make a triple tree that is moved foward enough to allow the bike to turn sharper? if so what would this do to the handling of the bike? i drive in the country a lot and need to turn around without having to back up. ERIC ARE YOU LISTENING! LOL other than that i think my buell is the best bike on the planet!:D
when you're turning, do you place your foot on the ground?

try sliding the clutch and puching your bike into the corner...
go on youtube and watch graig do some corners, you'll see that there's no need to adjust anything.
yes! i'm i very skilled rider. i've rode motocross for years. i can compensate by spinning the back and sliding the bike around while i am turning (without having to put my foot down) i specificly want to have sharper turning radius for the type of riding that i do. but thank you for your imput just the same.;)
LeFox said:
that should be pushing :p

although you can make sharp corners with buells, they are still street-bikes or in your case offroad bikes, but they can not be compared to dirtbikes. (motocross)

how sharp do you wanna make a corner?
you still have the oem handlebar?
road, tires?

what you can do to improve this is adjust your bike according to the type of terrain you ride most.
yes it's all stock right now. i do want uly's rearsets though. i like the country back roads, thats why i have the stt. taller suspention. i do made a lot of tight turns, especially in my driveway i have a turn around that my ford taurus can make, i just thought that the bike could do the same without running out of stearing. LOL! with the taller seat height it's harder to back up,( i'm 5'8'' tall ) and yes i have to agree that this cannot be compaired to a dirt bike, even though it has cool number plates! i heared the new uly has a improved turning radius. 7 degrees i think.

P.S. yes i am exagerating about the taurus, but it is my story!
yep...converting to the 2008 forks does have it's advantages, but it's $$$

know a guy who did it and is happy with the result.

and if you can't make the turn rolling, pull the front brake, give it some throttle and slide your way through :D
guys area all screwed up with the uly, the turning radius is fine if you know how to do it.. if you have ridden motorcross then youll get it ride away, lean away from the turn.. tough to explain, but push the bike over with you leaning out of the cirlce.. and it turns on a dime..
guys area all screwed up with the uly, the turning radius is fine if you know how to do it.. if you have ridden motorcross then youll get it ride away, lean away from the turn.. tough to explain, but push the bike over with you leaning out of the cirlce.. and it turns on a dime..
sorry, you guy's just dont get it! i seen the video. good learning tool for new rider's. let me explain one more time: i'm guessing on turning spec's so bear with me ok. let's say i'm on a country road and the road is 16 feet wide and my buell has a turning radius of 18 feet. (guessing here) now when i have a passenger i do not slide my rear tire to make the turn, (passenger's usually dont like that) this is a simple case of wanting a sharper turning radius, there is no style of riding (without horseplay) that can change that. i'm looking for a replacement triple tree made for a sharper turning radius. P.S. i would like to see this turning on a dime (without spining your tire's) on a video or somthing like that. i'm curious to see how your bike can turn sharper than mine?:p
captain13ron, as i said, converting to the 2008 forks give you a better turn radius, but it's pricey.
(that is ofcourse walking through a corner, upright)

here's an example of slow sharp corners...where the dutch ast dude, ronnie beat craig jones:
you should search youtube for 'police motorcycle competition'

you will be amazed of what you can do with different motorcycles.

this one is crazy! click

testing new feature:
if i didn't see it i wouldn't believe it! i'm headed to the parking lot to practice right now! when i was turning around i went very slow and only leaned over about 12 degree's with the bar's locked to the left. on the video look's like there leaning 40 degree's or so. look's like you can turn sharper that way? i stand corrected. signed: old dog learning new trick's! [up]
The 08 and new models have an extended steeting head on the frame and turn sharper. Tipped my 07 over once with my girl friend on because it wouldn't turn in enough to staighten it up to save it and I also couldn't hold the extra weight with her on too. Yes I ride MX so I shouldn't of had a problem till you hit the stop and your leaning yet and no place to go. Really sucks