Uly Trouble..

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Oct 6, 2023
Hello everyone, I’ve been digging through the pages here for a while and figured I would try a post and get some guidance.

I purchased an ‘07 Uly about a month ago. Put about 1500 miles on it and it ran great. Then then the throttle shaft broke, no worries, got a replacement and tore things down. Replaced the shaft and intake seals (James seals) and reassembled. Fired it up and it ran great, took it for a ride and after about 2 miles the engine idle went up to about 3000 rpm, and I couldn’t get it turned down. Made it home, reset the TPS with ECMspy, then it would start and idle very rough, back firing through the throttle body and would die If I didn’t keep running with the throttle. Tried the reset a few more times, basically the same issue. The front plug fowled and I lost ignition in the front cylinder but a clean plug fixed that. I can’t keep the idle adjusted to a solid RPM, it will frequently “hang up” around 2000 before coming back down.

The previous owner had ECMspy as well and said he had used it to reset the TPS but I do net know what else he may have adjusted. I’ve read a lot about the AFV values and they are at 76.1% and I haven’t touched any setting other than resetting the TPS.

Im kind of at a loss on where to go next. Any help would be appreciated.

Re-setting the TPS on a '07-down XB is a procedure, not a button. Did you follow the entire procedure?

What it the TPS degree (or voltage) at idle?

That is a super low AFV, it will not run well with it that low. You'll need to find out why the ECM is globally pulling almost 25% of fuel out of the map all of the time.
Thanks Cooter. I do did the entire procedure as outlined in the ECMspy software (backed the ideal adjustment screw out until the value stopped going down, and then a few additional turns, snapped the throttle closed a few times to ensure it was seated properly, reset the TPS to zero, then advanced the idle adjustment to 5.3). AT 5.3 it will idle to a back fire and at which point it will go die out. If I increase to about 9.0 it will stay running but very rough and inconstantly.

I should add that I used an inspection camera and verified the intake seals seem to be seated properly. That was confirmed by spraying carb cleaner around the seals with no noticeable change in RPM.

I didn’t want to adjust any parameters before I had a better idea what I was doing so I have no knowledge why they would be that low. Is there a reliable place I can download a stock ECM map so I have a known spot tarting point? Or is the AFV value a parameter I can adjust so long as I know where I started an don’t make other changes?

Thanks again for the help
All your signs and symptoms indicate:

Lack of sufficient twin throttle cable slack prior to attempting TPS reset

Improper TPS reset procedure performed indicated by hanging high idle...combustion blowing up thru TB...extraordinarily low AFV value

I have factory stock OEM EEproms for all X and XT models on CD if you need to borrow one.
Barrett, thanks for in insight. I had the air over off when I did the TPS reset and it appeared there was a slight amount of slack in both the cables. And the buttterfly was fully closing. I would love to have a copy of the stock EEPROM because I have no idea what may have been adjusted prior to my purchase of the bike. When I looked at the maps they didn’t seem very consistent through the ranges (is seemed like there were random outlier numbers here and there). If there isn’t a reliable download site for them I would love to take you up on your offer. If it’s possible to put on on a thumb drive let me know and a can send funds to cover a thumb drive and shipping.

Cooter, I was wondering if that may have been the case. I’m working the next few days but Tuesday I should have the chance to get a ride in and see if it self corrects. I’ll dive into the manual and figure out how to re-set those values.

Thanks again guys, I’ll keep you posted.
Quick update. I reset the AFV value back to 100 and went out on a 30 minute ride. The RPM slowly creeped back up to around 2000. I tried turning to down but there was about an 1/8 turn difference between 2000 and 1000ish and it ran pretty rough at the low end. It’s certainly drivable, I just cant get the idle to stay down. Im gonna get a new set of spark plug wires and plugs on the way. Some seem to suggest that can be a cause of rough idle at low RPMs. I haven’t hooked it back up to ECMspy yet to see what the AFV adjusted to, but ill post when I do. Anything else you guys would try?
Hooked up ECMspy and saw the AFV only dropped to 99.9. That made me happy. Now if only I can get the high idle figured out… 🤔

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