Ulysses surging problem

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Dec 18, 2011
Hi all, I'm a new Ulysses owner. 2010 XB12XT - 10,000kms.Bike has Buell race muffler. It surges at low speed/low revs. Very difficult to ride in slow moving traffic or even at 60km/hr. Otherwise I love it! Is this a common problem and can it be fixed?
What rpm's do you usually hold...I try to keep them around 3000 and up. Welcome to the forum [up]
Hi, thanks for that. Little or no problem at or over 3000rpm ... except in 1st or 2nd in really slow moving traffic .. still surges a bit then.
have you tried a tps reset?your problem may be due to the race pipe and stock mapping.
welcome to buellxb.
Try tps reset like was mentioned then lower the rpms down just a touch.
Did you previous owner play with the fuel maps?
Not sure what you mean by lowering the revs a little? When do you mean? Previous owner says he has not changed anything.
I should have looked at the year better. 07 and under you could manually control the rpms. Your is ecm controlled. possibly the throttle position sensor. Also make sure the ecm is plugged in all the way.
Where is the ecm and what does it look like .... I assume it is under the seat .. sorry for my ignorance .. it's all a bit new to me and I'm no mechanic!
Under the seat behind the battery. One side will be black the other grey with a single "ground" in the middle.
I have an 06, and the seller lightly remapped my air fuel ratio because I had that problem...took him 60 seconds by using the ECMspy. He slightly richened up the low RPM range. It's now great.
If you have a Dealer there that is Honest then yes, they can help you . Did you Try To do the Key Turn TPS reset with your key Switch? Sometimes you will have to do that Two times in a row if it doesn't Idle properly. It is easy to do and doesn't cost a Thing except your time, Takes about 3/minutes.
Post back if you need that [Proper] procedure.! When you do that Procedure make sure to ONLY Twist The Throttle Three Full Times Only not Four. You have a 2010 Buell so all 08/09/2010 Buells have the SAME (TPS)Throttle Position Reset-by the Key and Throttle Method. There is no Idle Screw to worry about setting. Also have you checked the Air Filter under the Air box Cover?
If you have a good Mechanic then let them take a look at it if you are not a Mechanical Type.You need to do the Key Turn Procedure on the Newer Buells about every 2 Tank fulls and the Engine will Idle at 1'100-RPMs . Erik Buell really Helped the Buellers out on that one! The Throttle is Unlike any Other Bike Engine you may have Ridden.
You can't just Blip the Throttle because the Crankshaft is Large and the Super Quick Rev up (may) make it Cough it takes a little time to get used to how to rev it but with time you will figure it out. I hope your Dealership is a Buell Friendly one. Tando, Welcome to the Forum.*Jimi
Thanks, have done the TPS reset. idles well - no issue. Just surges a bit at low speed/revs ... 2-3000rpm.Not really bad, just a bit annoying in traffic which I don't do much of anyway ... cruizes beautifully. Will look around for a Buell friendly mechanic.
Tando, a good Buell friendly Mechanic is always good to have. With a Stock Engine and Stock ECM the Low RPM surging or Stumbling as some call it, is just the Nature of the TorQue w/a Buell. Almost all Buells have the Low end Lugging that many have yet gotten used to.
Most use the Throttle differently,& it only takes a light touch when Idling or a Feathering of the Clutch Lever & Gentle Throttle to stop that Lugging. That takes a little practice.
The Larger Crankshaft is just that.
A lot of us Motorcyclists are used to Foreign bikes and the Easy Throttle with Foreign bikes, Then They got on a Buell! This bike is fun and good handling. Make sure to read up on setting up your Suspension For your Weight. I can't tell you how many have come into the shop wanting to Blip the Throttle like Foreign Bikes can do.
There is [MAYBE] a way to lessen the Lugging, at low idle crusing. Look up on the Forum the PCV-Positive Crankcase Ventalation- Vent Reroute on the upper Rocker Covers that many are doing. This [may] help and it may not in the Lugging area. It will give you some Extra Air up top AT the Rocker Covers which can't hurt. Check out some of the Cool Modifications here on the Forum, that some of these Die Hard Buellers have done to their Bikes.
There's many areas to read up on your Bike here on the Forum, and a Good Factory Manual is great to Own as Well. Check out some of Daves do it yourself Videos all in one Thread. Have fun with your Bike.Ride Safe.*Jimi[up]
Hi Tando,
I have an 2010 XB12XT as well, 2k miles, similar situation you described, perhaps a bit worse.
<3k RPM, Stumble, surge, above 3k RPM nice.
Looks like 'TPS Reset' is the magic bullet for everything. I haven't quite figured out the key / throttle procedure yet, but I'll keep reading.
I'm new here as well.