Unhappy Ulysses

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Dec 23, 2017
Hello XB riders,
My Midnight Black XB12XT 18,000 kms is giving grief by repeatedly chucking the CEL accompanied by a soft spark skip, it does not log a code.
I thought it was an overheat however the fan works at 220 & running Buelltooth live data it is operating at around 170. Also installed new temp sensor & battery.
The AFV was 89.
I did the entire additional earth strap thing cleaned all contacts etc.
I installed a Baro sensor & tune by Revison Moto to bypass the O2 sensors, no change.
It is standard apart from foam air filter & breather mod.
Any suggestions would be appreciated as I am at the point of not knowing how to proceed apart from taking it to an expert who will probably turn out not to be!
Thanks MegaMikee
Assuming your 12XT "touring long" model is a 2008-2009. Adaptive Fuel Value of 89 considered to be somewhat outside the traditional 3-5% accepted value. ECM has learned to "remove fuel" which is shortening the injector pulse-width in CL.

With NO CEL or active/historical fault codes the causes may be:
One or both fuel injectors "weeping" fuel into the TB
Failing O2 sensor
IAC and companion TB port suffering from heavy carbon build-up
Failing IAC
Incorrect breather mod performed resulting in excessive pressures building up internally...crank and top-end regions....which will adversely affect correct AFV being established
Thanks for your reply, XT manufacture date is Jul 09.
Back to the workshop to check breather hoses.............
I installed a Baro sensor & tune by Revison Moto to bypass the O2 sensors, no change.

So, if you had a minor occasional miss with your daily driver, the first fix is to break into and modify the ECM!? Sigh. Please return it to stock so you can have a chance of fixing it without chasing all the issues you just created by doing that.

Ok then, Cooter you smartypants, how do I diagnose the issue?

Well first, you'll need to be a mechanic (duh... obviously). If you aren't a mechanic, the first tool you'll need to use are your eyes and your brain.

Once you go through those steps that are laid out one by one in that short book, in order of importance, written by the engineers that made the Buell, you will then have an idea of the direction to go for repair, and maybe strangers on the internet can help you when you finally have some kind of information to give them.

Does it have 1 or 2 O2 sensors? Mods? Condition? Last repair/mod done? Did you follow ALL the steps messing with the ECM? You'll need to UN-do them ALL... correctly...For any proper diagnosis to continue, or we are just guessing, and throwing parts at it is expensive, time consuming, and frustrating.

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