Vacation!!! Just To Let Everyone Know...

Buellxb Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2006
Just so you guys aren't wondering why I'm not responding to your posts right away, its because I am on a much needed 2 week vacation starting today. I will still be checking in once and a while to answer tech questions. If you need part numbers, I will post them once I get back to work on August 12th.

Make sure that all the requests are in the "BuellPartsGuy Questions and Answers" section to ensure that I find them when I get back to the shop to get you the info you are requesting.

Thanks for all your support guys!
They already do that here in AZ!

Naw, I am headed back to Central Minnesota to hang with friends and family I haven't seen in a while.
Good for you man everyone needs a break every now and again. I have friends coming in to Boston this weekend who have never been here. Should be a good time.
this isn't how things work around're not supposed to have a life besides buell!!! :p

have fun ;)