valve stem's and front fork related question.

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
ok so i have a flat rear tire i pumped it up and sprayed it with windex to find the leak. and its the valve stem. and i cant find any info on these stems. do they screw in or are they like car valve stems? and where can i get new ones.

and my other question is whats the best way to hold up the front of the bike while i have my forks off to replace the fork seals? i cant rely think of a good way to do it
The valve stems that fit our bikes also fit some aftermarket auto rims. Is the leaking out the center or around the side of the stem.
This is how I rigged up my front end when I did my seal. I loosened a few things before getting it up like this just to ensure I wouldnt have to do it while the front was up cause it will sway a little. If you just break loose the fork tubes you should be good if you go this route. I got the rear stand and decided to try the ladder with the rachet straps since I couldnt wait any longer to order a stem front stand. Worked perfect for me.



its leaking from the center. but i just assume replace the whole thing.

and vance that's exactily what i was looking for. that will work perfect. got any tips or tricks on doing the seals?
If you valve stem is leaking from the center the valve actually unthreads. You can just buy a new valve and a shrader valve tool and just thread in a new one. Or it could be just loose.

As for the seals they are pretty straight forward. Make sure you have a seal driver and preferably a spring compressor if you can get one. You dont really need the spring compressor but I could not get the bolt on the bottom to thread cause it kept turning on me so I had to take apart the dampener to get it to thread and its hard to use a rachet strap to get the spring to compress this way. So if you have those two things it will go so much faster. Watch the order the little cup washer at the top of the second pic by the fender mounts goes in first then the spring on top. It looked like the spring went then the washer in the manual and took me a few to realize the correct way. You will know if its wrong cause the bottom bolt wont hit the threads if you have it the other way.
ill have to go find a valve tool... i cant say ive ever seen one at like sears or anything..
or the valve for that matter.
Here is what a little cheap one looks like. They sell these at cycle gear if you have one local. You might be able to find one at Pep Boys or maybe an Autozone. They work on all schrader valves so its just a matter of finding one. They are usually with the tire patching stuff.

Here is the actual valve. These vary so not sure which kind goes in the Buell but they sell kits like the one pictured below that should have any kind you would need if you actually need one and its not just loose.


If you need one that kit actually has the tool in it.
ok ill have to call around. one more quick question. where did you get your fork seals from?

and its an 04. so the forks are 41mm? i only have the manual for an 05 so i just want to be sure
I'm pretty sure you have 41mm. I have an 06 and I have the 43mm. I got my seals from the local Harley dealership here. Also replace the dust seals too while you have it apart. Some will suggest new bushings since it will be apart also. I didnt do the bushings just the seals and dust covers. I would of ordered my seals but my dealership had them in stock and they were only about 5.50 each so for 2 seals and dust covers it was about 23-25 bucks. You will also need fork oil which here was about 10 bucks a qt. I bought 2 just to be safe. A cheap fork leveler is to get a turkey baster and some vice grips. Measure up the turkey baster to where you need the level to be (I believe its 4" but dont quote me on that) then when you get the oil near there have the vice grips clamped on it at that mark. You drop in the turkey baster and the vice grips with stop it at the height needed and then suck out the excess oil. Leave the vice grips on for the other side so that they will be the same height on both sides. I picked up a turkey baster for a buck so that saved me from having to buy a fork leveling tool which is over 20.