VDST System

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Does anyone out there have an instruction manual or know how on using the VDST tool?
I bought this a while back before i knew about ECMSPY and i have had XOPTI do some maps for me but as Mike is no longer doing this service i wanted to find out what i could do with the tools i have.
I have both cables for ECMSPY and the VDST cable so i am pretty much setup on the hardware but lack the knowledge and want to learn.
I e-mailed Technoresearch who developed VDST but nothing back from them.
Any info or help would be great.
thought as much, bloody expensive TPS Reset....kinda sucks that it looks like it does a whole bunch of stuff but you just can't get to it.
Yep, that why American sport bike stopped selling it. Its good for tps and running diagnostics but thats about it.