Video cams (GoPro, Insta 360, or...?)

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Attached to the right side of the handlebars with a claw mount. This is one of the best positions that I have found. I get too nervous the camera is falling off if I can't see it.
Yea, it edits itself out of the videos automatically. Depends on positioning, sometimes you will see a bit of it.

Thanks! I'm loving it. I will get some videos of the Uly soon.

Alright. As promised here is more underwhelming footage, but this time on the Buell! With Wheelies! I edited this on my phone and forgot to change the aspect ratio... oops.
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It really does. I even went over a couple of speedbumps in the earlier videos and it wasn't very noticeable at all. Overall, I'm very impressed with this camera. I can take off and put it back on super easily, battery life is good enough that I can travel to work and back with it on loop mode for maybe a full week without needing to charge.

I'll try and get some better videos of the Ulysses in action and learn some actual editing skills. If anything worthwhile comes of it, I'll create a thread in the User's Bikes section.
I got a 360 X2 last year and video my trip in the Himalaya's. Got so much amazing footage, but the bad side is how much data you have. It is just about 4 Terabyte of data for 8 days of riding. I am not good at editing video footage so I don't even really know where to start. "What do I put in? What do I leave out?" The 360 cameras are absolutely amazing at what they do though.
I do think this is a good time to share this important PSA

:D That's hilarious. I have to admit, I cringed when I saw it was still in that aspect ration, but too lazy to go back and re-upload the whole thing.

Next time I will "just say no" to George Lucas.

I got a 360 X2 last year and video my trip in the Himalaya's. Got so much amazing footage, but the bad side is how much data you have. It is just about 4 Terabyte of data for 8 days of riding. I am not good at editing video footage so I don't even really know where to start. "What do I put in? What do I leave out?" The 360 cameras are absolutely amazing at what they do though.

You're not wrong! It make sense that filming in 5.7k is a must for 360 video, though, since the edited clips will be just a fraction of that footage at 1080p. I got no idea where I'd start with editing. I guess go with the start, add the end in there, and put anything interesting in between. :topsy_turvy:
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Editing has gotten much easier, and the tools are simplified dramatically since even a few years ago. I remember editing old GoPro 1 Glamis footage and it worked out to about an hour of editing time, for every minute of video. And they sucked:black_eyed:

Things are much better now. Heck ChatGPT the thing and see what happens?
Hah I didn't know that was a feature of Chat GPT. Were in a crazy world, now.

ChatGPT is old news, PostGPT is the forerunner to it all, except it never really got perfected.

Here are a few examples:

hi new to the forum but been working on all kinds of motorcycles for the past 50 year and was a master harley mechanic and personal friend of eric beull why does my motorcycle spark and make smoke when i connect the battery terminals backwards the fan runs but thats ok please no smart arse replies because i am on to you and am a master tech so i know better

I have a 2003 Suzuki bandit 1200 and in February I parked it and the next morning I went down and started it for work and it started running horrible so I took carbs off and cleaned them and had them synched and set pilot screws on all four carbs to out 2 and a half turns the put them back on bike and still it would not run right after I inspected it further I noticed that cylinders 2 and 4 down pipes were cold telling me that it wasn't firing on those two cylinders so I removed the carbs again and ordered 4 rebuild kits one for each carb and rebuilt them all then while I was waiting for kits to come I had the valve clearance done by shop and then once carbs kits came I rebuilt them and put them back on still it only fired on the odd cylinders I was stumped so I went and bought new plugs and ordered two new coils and put them in and still the same 2 cylinders wouldn't fire so I took my air filters off the two carbs carbs 2 and 4 and started the bike and put my hand over the air inlet and reved bike up gas soaked my hand and it started firing on the cylinders but after fuel was used it stopped firing I looked at the needle and fuel was being sprayed through main jet when I reved the engine so I took carbs off and reinspected them everything the float hight was 14mm on all 4 carbs the fuel inlet needles where working properly and all jets where clear and clean so I put them back on and still only 2 cylinders so I changed plug wires around to see if it would make 2 and 4 fire and not 1 and 3 but still 1 and 3 would only fire I then took it on a ride where I could open it up thinking that when I was reving it earlier it was getting fuel through main jet so I opened it up and once I got to a high rpm like 4 to 5 thousand rpm it would back fire very bad through all 5 gears and still the two even down pipes where cold I could touch them and hold them even and pipes 1 and 3 where very hot so I am stumped can anyone tell me what I am missing I don't understand at all thank you for taking time to read this and for helping me thank you

CoOter actually responded to the 2nd posting. Alan Turing would be proud (or would he?).