Vinyl Wrap

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Thanks for the input guys...havent done the application yet, since the local 'vinyl shop' still hasn't gotten back to me. I wish it didnt come to this (because I'm REALLY wary of the tank geometry), but I'm thinking I might just order up the material from TrackWraps and give it a shot. Let you know how it goes!
Good lord, don't do that. That is so expensive if you're not totally sure you can get it right. I'd suggest getting a piece from ebay or try a hobbie shop, They have some sort of vinyl for airplane. It will come off with a little work.
^^^ I think MonoKote would be a bad idea. you have to apply it with a iron and that could burn the plastic, and from my experience, can leave stains behind
Oh that's right, I totally forgot about that. Where do you live Architech? I can send you a couple of pieces of flat black vinyl to practice with. I'd hate to see some one spend that kind of money and not get it right. I've done it myself before.
Thanks Flaya...that's very kind of you. I live in NJ. If you have the material, I'll buy it from you. Let me know.
No problem, you don't have to buy it, I got a 50yd. roll really cheap so I have plenty to spare. It's 24" wide. How many pieces do you want?
I've got it packaged up and ready to send, I'm sending you a little over 6ft of material. If it turns out well, there should be enough to do the rest of the plastics.

The material is GMI, not bad but not the best.
A quick...slightly quicker attempt to wrap the tank. The voids showing the yellow helped remove some of the excess material.

Thanks, Like I said, it was the quick solution to the extra vinyl. I'll most likely try something else when I get bored with this.
Following up here.., first attempt at the windscreen. Came out "ok", as you can see up close- many little bubbles. Overall look is where i wanted it to be. BIG thanks to Flaya564. Tank is next...



Dont worry about the bubbles I use to apply viynl on cars and trucks and as long as you dont try to cut the bubbles with a razor the sun will take care of it for you.

Just let it sit outside in the sun as much as possible over the next couple weeks and the bubble will go away, well most of them.
that might answer my other concern - how will this thing stand up to sitting in the hot summer sun? Just concerned about the heat softening up the adhesive, etc.
Once it heats up and cures it will be fine.

Just give it some time before you try to put any pressure on it for any reason.
i want to try and wrap my fork tubes. I love the black ones but they are way expensive...also i dont want to dismantle and get painted due to all that work. Perhaps this is a simple and cheaper alternative. Where can i get some of this vinyl?
architect, the stickers on my old bike shrunk by about 2mm over 30cm from beeing in the sun all day. I have to add that the African sun might be more harsh and for longer, so keep it out of the sun as far as possible when the bubbles are gone.

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