water in my primary?

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Feb 4, 2010
Ok so I changed the oil and there was a TON of water in the primary. so I just drained it again after about 50 miles and still some left over water so should I put another 10dollar quart of milbil1 in it or just go to walmart and buy some walmart brand synthetic and run it a couple more times?
try to find the root problem of where its coming from first, i had this problem when i bought my bike and it turned out to be my clutch cable was broken at the threads into the primary. make sure you dont have and bad gaskets. are you riding in the rain?
I ride in the rain almost daily. my clutch cable boot is ripped up a little, im going to try spraying some white lithium around the opening of the clutch sable and putting some hairspray on that rubber boot
im going to leave my primary open over night(in the garage) it seems to be dripping just water now, 3-4 drops per minute. in the morning im going to go get a can of brake cleaner and spray inside the motor, the entire can and let some of the alcohol displace as much water as possible and just use some mobil1
sometimes the short 10 minute ride that the service manula reccomend is not long enough to evaporate all the water in the primary , i go on at least 30 minute or longer ride at higher rpm to make sure it evaporates out al it can ..especially after sitting in the garage or sor storage over the winter because all that cold cuase lots more condensation in the engine, i think thats wy so many are having this problem at this time of the year trying to get ready for spring riding season. just changed my oil and primary ( after a long 30-45 minute ride) and the primary oil was very clean no water at all (still looked very good). 3000 miles since last oil & primary oil change. put RP in it.

DONT forget to check your washer and/ or O-ring on BOTH oil and primary Drain Plugs, to see if they need replaced, you can get them at orielly's and autozone cheper too, than HD.