Holy *$#?!** after replacing my clutch acouple weeks ago due too water in the primary, I took the inpection cover of yesterday (prob put aprox500km on bike since replacing) and there was white jizz all over the cover leaned bike over and oil is milky but nowhere near as bad as it looked when clutch got cooked. havent ridden in the rain but bike was parked at work during pretty heavy downpour my clutch adj boot is damaged so I graesed it and wrapped it with self bonding spider tape I'm going to get a new one in a couple days and I will replace damaged one graese and clamp new one I love this bike but I live in Canada "short riding season and rain is a fact of life here" am I on the write track to solving this problem or is it going to cost me a quart of primary oil every time the bike is near water. as usual all advice is really apprecieated