Wavering Hard!!

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
Trying to hold on but im getting weaker buy the moment.
im in the same boat.i have been looking at a few different bikes lately and that duc is one of them.
Look at their website. They just released a new bike today...The Diavel. It's pretty sweet.
They're supposed to be making a mini brutale as well. I like the Triumph street triple but I've already had a naked triumph 600, but I'd be more than willing to try out a naked MV 675cc triple.
hey might have to look into those DUC thingies ...balancing on it's own like that i'd never fall ova :D ... bet it'll be some serious hard earned $$$ for it
hey might have to look into those DUC thingies ...balancing on it's own like that i'd never fall ova ...

Hopefully it comes with an invisible kickstand switch, because you'd look pretty silly crashing from forgetting to put your invisible sidestand up, which I'm sure you'd forget a lot, being invisible and all.
I dont think I will ever own another bike unless its used. The price of new bikes is getting just as stupid as new cars & trucks. Sure they are the newest and coolest of whats out there, but they come with a high price tag..........I can have more fun on my 6 yr old Buell thats payed off than I could ever have on a new bike that I would have to worry about all the time.
I can justify the price of a new bike because my Jeep has been paid off for 5 years now. It just takes the place of a car payment. I also commute on it all year unless the weather is really nasty. So for me it more like im buying a new car with low payments rather than a
garage toy.
I see your point. I spend so much time away from home working that mine IS just a garage toy waiting on me to get home and play with it.
I'm big time i nto buying used bikes for various reasons. Aside from the obvious cost difference, I hate dealing with warranties, owning things that are too clean/new to ride without worrying about, and I hardly feel the need to pay full coverage on insurance when I only paid a few thousand on the bike. I'm pretty fond of streetfighters so if I ever crash a bike that bad it'll just give me a project to work on while I'm out riding my second used bike, which I have because I can buy 2 used bikes for less than the cost of 1 new one.
I know what your saying upthemaiden the only problem I have with a used bike is you dont know who owned it and what it has gone threw. I would hate to take off for a ride across the state only to have a rod let loose half way because the original owner over spun the motor showing of to friends. Seems every time I go to a bike night or a ride someone is hitting the hard rev limiter sitting in the parking lot. I would not mind building a project cafe bike though, something from the 50's or 60's era.
You've definitely gotta take into account who you're buying a bike from, and even at that you're taking a chance. It's not that common to find someone who beat the hell out of their bike and hasn't left some marks on it. Without being overly stereotypical, you can also tell from meeting the owner how they might treat their bike.

When I pick up a 2nd bike next fall, I'm just planning to beat on it pretty good anyway, so it's not a huge concern :D I'm hoping to pick up something without a ton of miles, but some smashed up plastics and a few broken parts like levers and footpegs so I can strip it down and make a project out of it. At that point I'll be looking to capitalize on all the goon 18 year olds who bought a bike they couldn't handle and flipped it before it even had 3k miles on it, haha.
Good luck with Duke and congrads on the Z. I'm thinkin about adding an 05 Concours to the garage.