well this is the project I worked on yesterday and today, took a stock grey xb tail from an 05 or 07, not too sure, and a few hours with a right angle grinder, dremel, hack saw and a file, the plate mount is the stock plate mount shaved down and bolted to the underside of the chopped tail. didn't start taking pics till i was most the way through the process, but any questions just let ask away and i'll see what i can do for you. i'll be adding some new pics of the mount without the plate and of how i figured out how to light the plate later in the day once i get my camera back. so here it is so far.
a few of the pics are kina dark, and dirty, get some better ones for you guys here soon, let me know what ya think
a few of the pics are kina dark, and dirty, get some better ones for you guys here soon, let me know what ya think