Weird NOT STARTING issue! Please Help!

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Oct 11, 2009
Ok guys. For the last couple months I have noticed a clicking sound occasionally when starting my '05 XB12R. At times it's like the bike needs a compression release because when you hit the start switch it doesn't do anything for a second or two the finally turns over. Battery check out great with 12.9 volts and all battery connections are tight. Anyway, went to start it yesterday morning, it made the clicking sound for a few seconds (the longest ever) then did nothing. Now when I turn the ignition switch on, I have no instrument panel lights, no service lights, neutral light, or any of that. I do have headlights but when they are on dim the high beam indicator is on and when I flip them on bright, it goes off. Occasionally when turning the key back to the lock position the gauge needles give one sweep up and back. All fuses are good and relays show correct continuity. Any ideas?
the compression release observation you referred to is what i call "compression bump". i've posted it in detail many times on it to read up if you like. standard fare for most all high compression large displacement twins. do the simple things first and check your battery and both ends of cables. they must be pristine and tight. your symptoms have the full flavor and aroma of a battery on the way to the scrap heap via a shorted cell. a battery with a dead/shorted cell is quite deceptive and will often times show static volts in the 12 plus volt range but when it's subjected to large load as in start-up it has no CCA's. load test it for confirmation.
I'm with lunatic on this one. Sounds like your battery is at the end of it's life. Mine had similar symptoms before I had to replace it. Old girl lasted six years before she have up the good fight! Anyway, if you're in doubt just take your battery to your local AutoParts store and have them test it. At least then you'll have a good starting point for your trouble shooting.
Thanks for the help guys. It ended up just being the stinking main ground wire loose under the seat. Crash, sorry for the "stupid" thread and for the fact that your obvious diagnosis was wrong. Did spend about an hour trying to look it up and found nothing with the same symptoms.