Welcome to Buell ownership! Charging issue with my new Firebolt :-(

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2012
Well, my new Bolt (2003 XB9) is not being nice to me.... It seems to be having a charging issue: less than 12 volts while running when tested across the battery. After I got home from buying it the other day, I decided to take it back out to run some errands. Stating it up for the return trip home took about 5 attempts - only the relay clicked and then finally it turned over. I noticed that the fuel pump did not sound as loud as it did when I stated it before. When I got home, I shut it down and it would not start again - only the relay clicked. I checked the battery and it was only at 12.0 volts - which I know is too low. I've been charging it every time I go to ride it and it always discharges. Bear in mind I've only had the bike for a week, so I'm not familiar with it at all. The last time I took it out for about a 5 mile errand, halfway there the check engine light came on and the bike started to stumble. It stopped doing that, but I turned around and went home. I was able to start it again at home after a stop, but it took 3 or 4 attempts before it did anything but click. The file pump sounded "slow" or "less noisy" too like before. Checking the battery, it was again down to only 12.0 volts. Again, while running, less than 12.0 volts.

I do have the manual and I did attempt the tests, but - I'm sorry - it is clear as mud - at least to me. Since then, I've found links on this site that are actually more helpful and more clear... but I haven't had a chance yet to check connector 77 or check the regulator or stator - I'm going to try to do that tomorrow.

I'm thinking of getting both a new regulator and stator regardless of what the outcome of the tests show. It might not be a bad idea to have an extra one of each, right? Additionally, I have the receipt for the battery - it was purchased last September (apparently the previous owner was having some issues!) - so I am not thinking the battery is the problem (although there is a small chance).

I'm not a mechanic, but I have a fair amount of experience working on cars. I don't have any specific technical questions - at least at this moment - but I would like to know the following:

1. can anyone recommend a source for a new stator? I've seem a couple of used one's on Ebay, but I'd buy a new one if I could find it and I don't need my Platinum Visa.

2. Buellparts.net has what I assume are new voltage regulators - any problems with ordering from them?

3. Any suggestions are welcome. There's "how to" information out there, so I don't need anyone to spoon feed me directions, but since I am new to Buells and you guys have the experience, I am humbly open to guidance!

Had a chance to check a couple of things this morning. I have a hard time following diagrams unless they are really clear, so I ended up not actually testing either the regulator or the stator with a multimeter. I did open what I think was the inspection port on the left side of the bike. I smelled the oil and it just smelled like oil ( no burnt smell) and I removed a small sample of it. It was almost clear - slightly hazy with a slight grayish tint. Good evidence that the stator is probably not fried I guess. Then on the other side I checked the stator and the regulator connectors. The stator connector (three pins) seemed perfect. The regulator connector was fine externally but the prongs were a bit dull (no carbon on them though) and the plastic near one of them had a very small pit in it. From the pictures I've seen, it looks like the older syle connector, butvim not sure. I couldn't get the wires released from the connector so I cleaned the dullness off the male prongs with a very tiny screwdriver. No visible buildup came off and they were shiny again. I put a very small amount of dielectric grease on both of them and put the connector back together, securing the two halves tight with a zip tie. I checked the voltage across the battery with the bike running and it was 14 something. Ecstatic, I took the bike out for a 5 mile ride. On my way back the check engine light came on. I got home and checked the voltage across the battery with the bike running - about 11.0.

Soooo, I'm thinking "connector".... Can anyone back my conclusion? I'm thinking that the stator is probably ok. I'm also thinking I may just buy a new regulator from buell parts.net because it looks like they come with the updated connector and it wouldn't be a bad thing to have an extra regulator. Can I get an opinion? [smirk]. Thanks reading this long post and helping out a noob!
There have only been a few of us with XB's that have have charging issues. Most have been on the 1125's. When I had my charging problems(09 XB12ss) I purchased a new voltage regulator from Buellster Parts (new). It only lasted 2 days and was burnt up. So my advise to you is check the stator output. My stator was putting out 50+ volts and frying the voltage regulator. I am not familiar with the older models so that is the extent of the help I can give.

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