Well, Baby's gone

Buellxb Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2009
Actually, she's been gone a week today. I sold my '07 Ss to a fellow coming back from overseas in a few weeks.

I'll apologize in advance, just in case I get long-winded.

I never thought I'd buy a Buell. I'd only ridden a tuber on a demo ride at the old Honda Hoot in Asheville. City traffic, 40 MPH on the Parkway, turn around, come back. It'd have been a nap, had I not feared for the life of my right knee. You know why... The XBs were cool, but I didn't want to live with 3.x gallon fuel capacity. The 12s seemed like a better bet than the 9s, and when the Longs came out, they were a good option. Except for two things: The price, and Harley dealers. No need to go into that.

And then, October 2009 happened. Suddenly it seemed like a real good time to get on board. I don't mean just because of the fire sale. I mean because it seemed like a shame to have Buell go away and have not owned one to enjoy and see what the deal was. I searched out the various Buell forums, and landed here and BuelletinBoard. (BadWeb... ) I was struck by the enthusiasm of the owners, and the open, helpful vibe. I was able to learn enough about the bikes to feel comfortable with buying a leftover '07, even having never ridden one. Amazing how much more helpful the dealer was by then...

Now, the first ride? An eye-opener. I was prepared for the shakes, but not that prepared. I guess the fact that someone had "PaintShaker" as their screen name should have been a clue. But, in the sweet spot, who cares about the vibes before you get there? I learned pretty quickly that the handling is there, you just have to figure out how to take advantage of it. After break in, when I could give her some stick? OMG. I tell people all the time that the powerband may not be real wide, but once you hit it, you better be paying attention. Rear tires fear for their lives! And every time I came back from rides, I'd just have a grin plastered all over my face.

Unlike, say Japanese bikes, this bike needs you. To go get in trouble with, or to lay hands on. Modifications happened, commonly urged on by inmates here. Thanks for the suggestions and assistance.

And this place. Seriously, give yourselves a pat on the back, and accept a grateful handshake from me. If you don't value this place, and you don't contribute in a positive way, you've got issues. Folks are open, helpful, supportive, friendly...I could go on and on. Even the jerks have their good points, and for the most part people behave and police themselves. I've been involved with several forums for different brands, and this place, like the bikes, is special. Take care of it. And of each other. And of your bikes.

But, for reasons that aren't really clear, it seemed like time to see if she (the XB) needed a new home. It didn't take long for me to get my answer. As I mentioned,, she's going to a gent who's coming back home in a few weeks. Knowing how excited he is to get her made it a little easier to watch his wife close the storage unit door. You know how folks talk about the bike that they shouldn't have sold? I have the sneaking suspicion that the Buell may be that bike for me.

So. I guess my days as a "qualified" forum member are at an end. I'll poke my head in from time to time, and add whatever wisdom or opinion I can (or be a pain in the a**, if I think it'll get a laugh). Thanks for welcoming me in. Ride safe, and ride long!
Well I'm sorry to hear that you let her go. However, You bid a beautiful farewell, very well written. I hope to hear that you stick around and maybe find another bike. I'm in the market for a cruiser, but I think I'm going to hold on to the Buell for awhile. I love these bikes, and can say that I'm hooked on their character.
It's always sad to let go of a bike but the best cure for a broken heart is to rebound by getting something new & young! There are so many awesome bikes out there but I agree that none are quite like the XB. I still have an old BMW 75/5 toaster in the garage because I know I'd regret it if I ever sold it...
I couldn't imagaine selling my Buell. I've put ~18,000 miles on it and will put a lot more on in the years to come.
I still have an old BMW 75/5 toaster in the garage because I know I'd regret it if I ever sold it...
Funny you should mention that. I just sold an R90/6 that I'd had longer than I'll admit. :D
Funny you should mention that.  I just sold an R90/6 that I'd had longer than I'll admit. 

Of all of the bikes that I have owned it's the twins, whether parallel, V, or flat, which have been my favourite!

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