Well im another unfortunate rider

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
Last saturday i was riding around a big curve on 1 of the most windy days and a gust of wind pushed me off the road up over a curb and into a fire hydrant. the bike is totaled and i just got a cracked bone in my hand just under my middle knuckle. i was fine just cussing up a storm. the bike is totaled since the frame got a big split in it both pods were tore up and front wheel and forks were bent. Im getting a good chunk from the insurance 8700. that part makes it better since i only bought it for like 7500 in december. but if any body is looking for a EBR ecm, xblights.net intergrated tail light, K&N air filter, or license placte braket elimnator lmk.
dragsville 09CR
the bike may be toast but we're glad your NOT!
heal up, snag another Buell and ride...
Ouch man glad your up and walking around! Bikes can be replaced you can`t!
Sorry to hear about the wreck - glad you're ok!
How about the tool kit? I'm still looking to get my hands on one...
That sucks dude! Good to hear you made it out with only minor injuries. Did this mean you're not getting another?
That sucks man sorry to hear about the wreck. How much do you want for the integrated tail light, and what option are the?
WOW.. Your not a statistic and that's the good news. Glad to hear your ok.. So new CR? :(
I must be funny when someone ask what got hurt and you give them the the one finger salute..just kidding.thank god you didn't panic.. I have seen panic and it ain't pretty. if you can walk away you did good. bruises may come later.[up]**** happens.
Good to hear you are ok.
I might be intersted in the EBR ECM. Does anyone know if it will work on an "R" I think I remember seeing they had different part numbers on the EB web site.
Wow I replied to your for sale post, had no idea that is why you were selling everything. Glad you came away fairly unharmed. Hope you heal up quickly.
The r and cr ecm's are differnt the cr has a larger rear sprocket the gear indcator and speedo won't work correctly