What did you do for your Buell today?

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Last couple of weeks I put new rubber on, changed the bearings, cleaned up the front rotor and replaced the front rotor mounting screws. Today I took it out and got rid of all the little nubbies that were on the tires. :D

Winter Project

The winter project is progressing:




dissassembled a.jpg

Fork tubes painted matte black
Tail, hand rails and luggage accents painted blue
Header and muffler ceramic coated matte black
Steble Air horn
Skene lights front and rear
Double take mirrors (The bike is stored on a lift and the mirrors need to be easily moved so they don't hit the ceiling. The lift is mounted on the wall - see in picture. The bike is on the roll-able 4x8 platform.)
Maintenance: plugs, wires, bulbs, oils, filters
WD-40 on Black engine casings

I had an XB9R four bikes ago and I'm looking forward to a vtwin again. My last three bikes were BMW GS's. I couldn't justify the price of the last one ($20K) while only riding a few thousand miles (depreciating asset). This XB12XT only cost $4,300 with 9K miles from the original owner with no molestation (mostly depreciated, no worries if I don't ride it a lot).

More photos to come.

Thank you to all the contributors to the forum! The engine drop to R&R the header was easy.
I broke my shifter lever about 6 years ago. Every once in a while my “repair” needs to be revisited.
Sometimes I think I’m a little too cheap


Stainless steel hardware, coated in JBweld and wrapped in electrical tape!
Good as new!
IMO leaning on the latter. LOL ^^^^ Yes too frugal, worse than me if that is possible.
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This is the way I get when it’s too nice NOT to ride everyday.
And I had totally forgotten I had “fixed” the thing previously. I tend to “fix” things on a temporary to permanent type status. Until those things break.... ....again!

Cooter, if you have a spare let me know what you’re thinking on price. I’ll definitely need it when my custom, hand molded racing shift lever breaks.
If I have one I'll just send it to you. I may want yours in return... to frame....:black_eyed: LOL

I completely commiserate with you Chicken. As an old off-roader I have committed any number of automotive sins in the name of trail-repair. Theres someone still driving an old CJ of mine with a tie-rod welded together by jumper cables on 3 batteries, a coat hanger for welding wire, braced with a pair of 9/16" wrenches.
"I'll fix it right when I get home":black_eyed: turned into 'SQUIRREL! (beer)"

Can't we just get ol' TPEHACK to print one from JB Weld?:angel:
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Your not cheap, that's very acceptable red neck repair.

I really want to do off road with the ully, I'm going to take off the tires and switch them to the SS and I'm thinking TKC 70's, they are good for the the road and pretty good off road though, TKC 80's would probably be better for off road, what do you guys think ?
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I got the TKC-80's on the STT now and they are a total off-road tire. You can ride on the street but they are HARD. May try the new Anakee (sp?) next time.

Chicken, I have no spare XB shifters sorry! I do have a few linkages though?
Ha Ha top this--We fixed a broken shifter once, in the absolute middle of nowhere, with a Rib Bone, from the BarBQ, some
some fine nylon twine hitched all around and bundled the whole thing with elec tape. Made it home and then some. The Ribs were pretty darn tasty as well so win all around.
