what do you guys think?

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Well-known member
May 12, 2012
So obviously I like being different owning a buell. I came across these but can't decide between the three.


Lol not your cup of tea i see haha. I have plenty of helmets its not like it would be my daily helmet. I would probably only wear it when I ride with some local buddies.
I feel like those poor furry things were characters from Sesame Street at one point.... Makes me think of Dave chapelle's Sesame Street skit lol.

I personally prefer the color combo of the first to the other two
Well I used to run into a guy all the time,, havent seen him in about 10 years who rode around on a FXR Harley. He had a extreme sense of humor. He found somewhere an extreme Afro wig, Look up old pictures of the guys in the rock Band "Boston" or Magic Dick from the J Geils Band,, crazy white dude Afro, This wasnt some crappy halloween wig either. he glued it on a street legal DOT open face beanie helmet, he rode with it on all the time,
Big crazy thing waving in the wind, carried one of those Hair pic combs and fluffed it out when he came to a stop.

He also found some "Billy Bob" hill billy plastic teeth,, crazy big buck teeth inserts,,, So, people of course stared at him hard with the crazy hair and many people didnt notice the chin strap and it was a helmet under there.

So he would pull up at stop signs and traffic lights,, look over at some attractive young lady,, then give them a big goofy smile with those Billy bob teeth. Women would freak out,,,,some peeled out to get away from him.

He of course thought this endlessly amusing.

The Police? Not so much, he got pulled over a LOT,... he had a whole routine when they did,,,played stupid, gave them a real eyeful with the teeth, leaned way over into their personal space,, hit on women officers shamelessly, even some male officers, had a whole hillbilly ambiguous sex thing he did... which freaks most people out, but police tended to really not take it well. the more they reacted the more he acted up and dragged it out,,, Some cops would just yell at him and get back in their cars to get away from him. After a while I guess he had most trained to leave him alone. He actually was squeaky clean legal and the word got around he was not who you wanted to pull over as you would be there for a LONG time.

I always wondered what happened to that guy.
I think they're cool. I probably wouldn't wear one as I am an old timer. LOL
Anything that draws attenion to a rider and helps a 4 wheeler remember you are on the road is a good thing.
#3 would be my choice btw
Really? Why?
I'm all for being different . I'm not sure why anyone would want to wear any of these? A cry for attention?[confused] are they even dot approved ?

Falls along the same lines as the gay ass Mohawks . Looks queer to me . Anyway different strokes for different folks. Maybe I'm getting old like Lesley.[smirk]good luck cleaning bugs out of it.
Looks queer to me


There's a difference between being different for attention(gay ass helmet) and being different because it is a good thing(buell).

Not that I really care, just sayin.....if I saw someone with that helmet I'd definitely make fun of them lol.