What have you seen?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2009
I enjoy glancing into vehicles as I pass by - it is like a snapshot into someone's life. Most of the time the scene is fairly mundane; a cell here, a future American Idol there, but occasionally you get to something unique.

I am wondering what you have seen that you found strange, scary or weird.

Just yesterday I saw someone blowing into a breathalyzer while going down the road.
That was probably an ignition interlock device. Some states require people who have been convicted of DUI to blow into the devices to start their vehicles/keep them running.

I've seen some dirty ass **** in passing cars. Road head, drugs, nudity, so forth and so on. Definitely an interesting way of getting to know a piece of somebody.
How bout when the passenger is doing the blowing,..
On that note, I once saw the top of girls head looking down on some guys lap.
That was a few years ago & I still laugh when I think about it.
I blew past the car, the driver barley had time to register me before I was gone.;)
One minute they were alone on the road, the next ,my day was made..:D
I got a woman doing her makeup, reading a newspaper, talking on the cell phone, and trying to give the baby a bottle. For a second I thought she was an octopus. I felt bad for the baby to have to grow up with an ignorant ******* for a mother.
I rode past a dude a while back with a GIANT handgun on his dashboard.

He instantly became my hero
I love this stupid state.

Wild West style.

Hmm I like to take a quick look too. Didn't realize it until now. Didn't see anything interesting though, just people talking on the phone, texting, singing, eating/drinking - nothing special.
Same here nothing too interesting. I always think its funny when you see someone knuckle deep in their nose....and when i see that i make sure to slow down and get right next them and just stare lol
I have been in a car with an old gf that actually changed her pantyhose while driving.

I can't tell you how many times I have seen makeup applied, breakfast/lunch/snacks eaten, Maps-Newspapers-Books-Novels-Notes Read, Shaving, Coffee and other soft drinks, Beer and other hard drinks, cell phone/wireless used in conjunction with those stated, and while shifting.

personal note - I have done some of those also, coffee/phone/shifting/steering with my left knee.
Mopping up the 40oz drink after some yahoo decides to stop to make a rt turn into a driveway after blasting past me, just to do it.
I have to drive thru Tampa/St. Petersburg traffic at least twice a week. I've seen a woman putting on eyeliner, texting, reading a clipboard, smoking and trying to feed a child all at the same time. Driving was way down on the list of things to do
i drove my little manual PT about 40 miles down the highway drunk on a saturday night around 2am with a sexy blond bouncing up and down in my lap. from annapolis to dc durring trucker hours. i know there was some cb traffic that night.