what up fools how ya been?

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2012
Haven't been on in a long while. Just wanting to see how everyone has been.
Hey man, it's going well here, lots of new members have been piping up lately! How've you been?
hey man how are you? I just rode my bike yesterday for the first time since spring :(
Hey Joe! Good to hear from you! Thanks for checking in! Things are well for me and appear the same for most on the forum. Hope you're doing well... Thanks for staying in touch. So when are you getting another Buell???? ;)
Damn looks like you check in then don't check back?

All is good here except the fact I've only rode once since the Dragon [sad]

How are you?
Sorry fell asleep. But its good yall are all doing good. things are getting better. im living the dream of a diesel mechanic just working my way up the ranks. I still have the shadow to cruise on. I am hoping to make it up next year even if I don't have another Buell. Hopefully slostang is taking care of her. I do miss her.
go to here Joe and glad things are head up :)
been stupid busy myself about to head for some Dragons Tail myself be there 12-16th in gattlinburg
Finally getting back up to the dragon this weekend. its supposed to be awesome the 8th and 9th
I didn't realize you had another bike man, I guess that means you'll be there in april?